Do you wish emailing clients was simple?

Debbie Shadid, Women's Business Coach

you know you need to email your leads,

but the daunting task of writing all of the emails feels overwhelming. Where do you start and what do you even say?!

These Nurture Sequence Email Templates can help.


Your leads need to connect with you on a personal level before they’ll be comfortable enough to invest in the transformation you offer.

It’s a matter of building a level of trust with your audience.

Sharing yourself, your knowledge, your stories, and your struggles so they can see you behind your business.

You’ll be providing incredible value, giving them the answers they need and creating the desire to work with you personally.

How does this all happen?


Nurture sequence

email templates

If you're a life coach needing to keep in contact with your leads and aren’t sure where to start, these templates are for you. 

This is a simple to use, copy and paste document where you can plug in your own information and customize as little or as muc as you’d like.

Learn how to create simple and valuable email content that will help you establish yourself as a professional and create a raving audience. 

Download the Email Templates Now

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