121 - How to Craft the Perfect Offer for Your Life Coaching Business


Crafting a solid offer for your life coaching business will make it so much easier for you to talk about it, thus making it easier for you to sell it. 

In this episode, Business Success + Life Coach, Debbie Shadid, is going to share everything that you need to know and everything that you need to do in order to craft the perfect offer for your life coaching business. 

Being a business coach for almost 24 years allowed her to really identify what makes an offer ideal not just for her clients, but also for her as the coach. That is why in this episode, she will walk you through all the different aspects that you need to consider in order for you to craft a solid and sustainable offer for your life coaching business.

Join us for this episode so you can start crafting the ideal offer for you and your life coaching clients. 

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So your ideal offer is easy to deliver cuz you know it inside and out, you have an easy conversion system. The marketing for that, bringing people into your pipeline is easy and your sales conversation is easy as well.

Hello, I'm Debbie, the host of the life coach business building podcast. If you are ready to. More clients in your life coach business than you're in the right spot each week. I'm gonna teach you super simple strategies to grow your business without feeling overwhelmed and without spending money on paid ads.

Now that sounds interesting. Stick around and let's get started. Welcome. Welcome today. I'm gonna be talking about. Really nailing your offer. We talk about nailing your niche. Now we're gonna talk about nailing your offer and why is this important? Well, it's important to you guys because the more solid your offer is the more that, you know, your offer, the more effective you can sell it, right?

The faster you can grow your business. So let's talk about what you need to do, what you need to know to be able to nail your offer. The first thing I'll be very brief on this is niche, right? You've got to know that niche. You've gotta know all the answers to what your niche wants. What's in it for them, how you're gonna engage.

'em what's gonna change for them. That kind of stuff. Know your niche. All right. Let's talk about your current offer though. Look at your current offer, really from an outsider point of view, ask yourself what is working for them? How is it working for them? And then be honest with yourself. What is missing?

I do that with my program. Often you guys, and inside of the business, building boutique, I assess with my clients, I send out feedback requests and I say, tell me, what's working. What's not working. What do you think I'm missing? That doesn't necessarily mean that I'm gonna do everything they say is missing, but oh my goodness.

Some of the best ideas of what I do in my. came because a client told me what was missing. So can you ask somebody that you work with? Hey, tell me what's missing. What else would you like to have for me? What else do you need to understand at a deeper level? Because they're gonna answer the question and they're the best person to ask.

All right. You also wanna. Ask yourself is the offer that I have actually creating the result that I'm selling. Now, if you guys know anything about my business, the business building boutique, I do not promise dollars. I don't say you're gonna make a hundred thousand dollars. That's kind of like in the coaching world, the thing that everybody says, I don't say that.

Why because everybody has a different goal and everybody is gonna have a different process, be at a different place for building their business. They have different life circumstances. Some people have six kids, some people have no kids. Some people have a husband, some have none, right? We all have things going on.

And so it's not right for me. I don't have good clean, conscious to say, work with me and make a hundred thousand dollars. I say, work with me. I'm gonna teach you how to grow your. That. As a result, I can promise because if they come to anything at all, they're gonna learn how to grow their business. All right.

So are your clients getting the result that you're promising when they work with you? Where are the same resurfacing doubts? What I found out was is that fear. Was a doubt that kept coming up. So I was teaching people what to do and how to do it. In fact, this is the reason why I became life. Coach certified in 2020.

I had been coaching women in business since 2016. And you guys know before that consulting since 2000. . And what I noticed was is that when I would tell people exactly how to do something, I would show 'em how to do it. Like social media, or like going live or doing a video like this, I would show 'em how to do it.

And guess what, when they didn't do it, there was only one thing that was happening. And that was fear was getting in the way. So I went and got certified as a live coach so that I could dig into the brain and be able to help my clients get over that mindset issue that they were having. So inside of the business, building boutique, I added a mindset coach.

A business mindset coach. So I teach strategy. I teach the, how to, I show you how to do it, explain it. And somebody else does the mindset coaching. So what is your offer missing that you could add? And even if it's not today, you guys maybe it's down the road. I know what my offer's going to continue to do.

I know the things that I'm gonna add to it as my business grows. So what else do you want to add to your offer? And the last question I wanna ask you about your offer is will you be doing the same offer long term? That's an important question. Like I know the business building boutique is it for me? I know this is the best thing that I can provide for my clients.

I know that it works. I can see myself doing this and the schedule works out. It all works out the marketing. I've got all that figured out. So I know it'll be a long term program for me. Will the offer that you have be a long term offer now? That could be because it works with your schedule or maybe it doesn't.

So you want to have an offer. You guys know this, that works with your schedule. How do you nail an offer? You nail it for yourself first. It has to be right for you first. All right. Let's talk about high end offers. I was talking with my level two of the business building boutique clients. And I was asking them about a high end offer.

And, you know, when I said, what is a high end offer? They came back and said, oh, it's something that costs a lot. That's not a high-end offer. I wanna challenge you on that. How could you make a highend offer? A highend offer? In my opinion, is a high touch. It's the kind of interaction that you have with your clients.

It's all the value that you provide to your clients. So that's my definition of a high end offer. How can you make your offer if you want to more of a high end offer? How could that be something that will give more to the clients than you are already given? All right. Next thing would be high ticket offers.

Now we know that the benefit of that is you charge more and you make more right. But with that, you want to deliver an experience to your clients. And the beautiful thing about a high ticket offer is you get to work with less clients based on more. You charge. So that means that you have more time with your clients.

This is why kind of high end offers and high ticket offers. There's a little bit of confusion about which is which, because when you have a high ticket offer, you actually can provide a high end offer. So high ticket gives you the space to make your offer high end, which is more time with you, which is, you know, maybe it's the Voxer access.

Maybe it's email access, maybe it's text mail, maybe it's text messaging because you can work with fewer people and in turn you can support them better. The next question I want to ask you about your offer is how can you make it consistent for. Nailing your offer is nailing it for you and for your clients.

It has to be best for both of you and it's best for you first. Right? So how do we nail your offer? Well, for me, I decided group coaching was the best thing. Group coaching was the best for me, time wise, because my group coaching is five hours a week. So my clients meet with me five hours a week, or have the opportunity to be coached five hours a week.

They don't have to come to all of 'em, but that is the high end offer that I make, where I have a lot of involvement with my clients that serves my clients, but it also serves me. It serves me first because I. More time in my day to work on my business, to work on the marketing, to create new things for my clients, but it also serves my clients in my group coaching program because my goodness, five hours of coaching a week, they can come and get any questions they want to it's.

All real time coaching. Plus I have a client portal with all kinds of education, so you can learn how to do everything, a podcast, a workshop, your social media and the, all the things you can learn, how to do when you go inside the client portal. So that serves me and it serves my clients. All right. So your ideal offer is also easy for you to deliver.

Let me take you back to your niche when you work within your niche and you know, your business inside and out, you know, the process of transformation, you know, like what it took for you to get there. It is so much easier for you to deliver that. My dear is what it's gonna make an ideal. Ideal, right.

You're gonna know it. It's gonna be easy. Two other things I wanna mention to you is that an ideal offer is also easy for you to convert. So you wanna have what I call a conversion system in place, where you can create your marketing and that it's easy to maintain and do consistently. So you're continually bringing people into your pipeline, keeping 'em warm and ready to sign up the last part of.

Making your offer easy to deliver is also that your sales conversation is easy. It's not a hard pitch. It's not an arm twister. When people come to me, there's no arm twisting involved. Like here's what we do. Here's how it goes. And they know it. If they have been anywhere in my world, if you've listened to this podcast, you know what it's gonna be like to work with me.

If you have seen my YouTube channel, you know that it's gonna be easy for you to work with me because I tell you what it is. If you go to my website, you see exactly what the offer is. So when people come to a consultation call with me, It really is just a matter of, sort of this feeling good about you, you know, few questions that we have, let me answer your doubts.

Let me reassure you. And most of the time, what people really just wanna do is tell me their story. That will be the same for you too. So your ideal offer is easy to deliver cuz you know it inside and out, you have an easy conversion system. The marketing for that, bringing people into your pipeline is easy.

And your sales conversation is easy as well. All right. The last thing that I wanna mention about your perfect offer is that it fits your schedule. Your perfect offer is based on the time that you have available, right? You don't work with clients that are only available at night. If you only wanna work during the day.

I know that as I'm explaining this to you, it sounds obvious that let me tell you, if you are a leadership coach and you work during the day. A full time job. It's not gonna work because your clients need to see you during the day. All right. If you are doing weight loss, coaching for professional women who work during the day, and you're not willing to work in the evening, it's not gonna work for you.

So your perfect offer is one that works in the time that you have available to work. Now you also want to consider your price, and we're not gonna go into this today, but your perfect offer also will generate you the kind of money that you want to earn to be able to have the income that you need and the freedom in your schedule.

Those are the two things that the women that I work with want. Right. So make sure that the pricing of your offer supports the lifestyle that you are creating. All right, you guys, I hope this was helpful to you. Now go nail your offer. So that you can really get clear on it. You can amp up your marketing and you can grow your coaching business.

All right. Until next time. Bye-bye

okay, ladies, that is it for today. Before we go, I want to invite you to head over to debbieshadid.com. I, this incredible Canva training specifically designed. Coaches where I'm gonna teach you how to use Hava to create beautiful graphics to market your life coaching business. All right. Have an amazing week.

I'll talk to you very soon. Bye-bye.