138 - Design, Live, Thrive: Learn How to be Happier and Healthier in 2023


I hope you’re having a wonderful start to the new year.  

I bet you’re like most of the women I know who want to approach their life differently in 2023…you’re ready for change! You’ve set your goals and dreams aside for far too long as you’ve taken care of everyone else needs.  Well, my friend, I want to invite you to make yourself a priority. 

In today’s episode of the Life Coach Business Building Podcast, I will be joined by 3 inspiring coaches who are speakers at the  Design Live Thrive Summit. All of these ladies are passionate about women’s mental and physical health, and they’re here to offer a new approach to weight loss. Listen up as they introduce you to the concepts they will be teaching you at the Summit.

Each of the women featured today, not only has a variety of certifications and coaching backgrounds, but they also teach from their personal experience. They discuss how having been coached themselves has made it possible for them to live a more fulfilling life and how other women can do the same. The Summit offers attendees a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the benefits of receiving expert coaching to create change in many areas of their life. 

Join me and let’s learn from all of the speakers about how to live a happier, fuller life in 2023. Tune in to this episode and hear more about the transformations that can happen for you when you work with a coach.

Connect with our speakers! 

Gretta Orazen


Kimberly Severson


Sue Christensen 


Save your seat for the Design, Live, & Thrive Summit on January 2023 here: www.designlivethrive.com



Debbie: That's one thing that coaching can provide, that sort of check-in that we all need. And as women, we have not made ourselves a priority, right? We've taken care of everybody else and these things that we wanna accomplish, these goals, these dreams, these aspirations we always put on the back burner. 

And so I wanna encourage you, if you have some things that you have wanted to accomplish, get a coach because not only can they help you with the skill, the strategies, the mindset, but also the accountability is significant. I know that I never am without a coach because I want to grow and expand my life in many ways, and coaching helps me do that.

Debbie: Hello, I'm Debbie Shadid, the host of the Life Coach Business Building podcast. If you are ready to have more clients in your life coach business, then you're in the right spot. Each week I'm gonna teach you super simple strategies to grow your business without feeling overwhelmed and without spending money on paid ads. If that sounds interesting. Stick around and let's get started.

Debbie: Welcome to the Life Coach Business Building Podcast.

Today we are going to be talking again about the summit, and I'm gonna introduce you to three of my speakers that are here, but I want to talk just a little bit to you about what this summit is all about. I know that you are a coach who is growing your business 'cause you're listening to this podcast and lemme tell you why I did the summit and what the benefit is for my clients that are participating in this summit.

So the first thing is that I know that all of you guys have the same question, which is, where do I find my people and how do I get in front of people? How do I grow my email list? And through the Business Building Boutique, I help people with all of those steps. It doesn't matter whether you've already got a website, already have customers, or you have nothing and you come to me, I help you get all of your marketing in order, you know, create your offers, your pricing, all of those things.

But ultimately, it comes down to you, the coach needing to be in front of more people. So I advocate not spending money on ads until you reach a hundred thousand dollars, and that is because you need to learn your business and that takes time. So you learn your business by practicing and talking to people, having more conversations through doing workshops like I do, through doing networking. And then at some point, and I have this hundred thousand dollars mark, you can turn on ads once you know things are really working. So one of the problems that I wanted to solve for my clients was how do I get them in front of more people?

And how do I grow their email list? And this summit is solving that for them. The second problem that I feel like my clients, and that you guys listening to have as well, is that people don't understand coaching. I think it is still such an unknown area that people have their own thoughts about, like, if you say I'm a life coach, I know that you've experienced this, some people are like, oh yeah, you're the lady that helps me reach my goal.

Or Oh, I know somebody who, yeah, they worked with a life coach. I wanna help you guys create a professional presence in the marketplace. And we do that by educating people. The summit is for women who want to have their best year in 2023. So we wanna educate these women, just give them a taste of what coaching would look like, what a coach can do for 'em.

And so my opinion is that coaching is priceless. And everybody that I know that comes to coaching, after they've hired a coach, what they say is, oh my gosh, I should have done it sooner. Like, I didn't know or I wish everybody knew about this. So I think as coaches, we have a lot of opportunities to educate people about how remarkable coaching is.

So that is the second part that the summit is doing, is that it is helping my coaches get in front of women to really be able to teach them something and then of course hopefully, get those women to see the value in coaching and to buy coaching. So that's a little bit more about that. I wanna say that if you are listening to this podcast, I know that you're in the same situation.

You need people in your world, your family members, your friends, people on your email list to really understand coaching. So I wanna invite you to invite them to come to the Design Live Thrive Summit. You can get the link for registration in the show notes, or you can just remember to go to designlivethrive.com and send that link to your friends, family, post it on your Facebook page or Instagram page and ask people to come.

It's free. It's two days of coaching. Honestly, you guys, it is expert coaching. Really incredible topics. We're gonna talk to these ladies about what they're coaching on, but we have got everything covered. We've got helping your teens to helping your elderly family. We're talking about overwhelming anxiety and health and gosh, restarting your life at midlife, like redesigning a life.

There's so many things that we're covering in the summit, so I know that that would benefit your coaching business as well if you have people in your world attend. All right. I wanna introduce you to the ladies that are speaking at the summit.

Again, it's January 13th and 14th, designlivethrive.com. I'm gonna start with you, Kim. Will you introduce yourself? Tell us who you coach, and a little bit about you.

Kimberly: Yeah, so thank you for having me, Debbie. I am Kim Severson. I am an advanced certified weight loss and mindset coach, specifically for women who love food.

So I help women end chronic restrictive dieting and lose weight while eating all the foods they love, which is such an honor for me because I came to coaching as one of those women. I had tried every restrictive diet under the sun. Nothing worked for me. It wasn't until I found coaching and realized that the problem was never the food.

The problem was always my mindset, my approach to food, my lack of understanding about my body's cues. And once I learned all of those things, everything changed for me. So I am just honored to be able to bring that to women now.

Debbie: I think this is a perfect example of a niche. When I met Kim and she was explaining to me about women who like food.

I was like, yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, I mean everybody wants to eat macaroni and cheese. She was like, oh no, not macaroni and cheese. You really are talking about quality, delicious, yummy, yummy foods. So, it's very interesting how you can create a niche and you really specifically speak in your marketing and your training in your education to a woman like that.

Kimberly: Yeah. And it's amazing to be able to share with women that they don't have to give any of that up. That they can still have that part of their life, which for me was a passion. It's a hobby. It's something I think about a lot and you can keep that and keep your goals at the same time.

Debbie: Yeah. And I know you're a good cook 'cause I heard what you made for the holidays, and I heard your family really wanted to eat it. They were requesting it. So anyway. All right, Sue, will you introduce yourself and tell us a little bit about what you do?

Sue: Yes, thank you. I am Sue Christensen. I'm an advanced certified weight and life coach with a passion for holistic health and wellness. I work with women in all aspects of their wellness to create the energy and the confidence and the health to really live their best lives.

Debbie: So, so good. And I know that you're crazy about fitness and you love people to not only eat well, but also to take care of their body. You know, you said holistic. Everything about their body, you want their health to improve. So, yeah. All right.

Sue: Body, mind, and soul.

Debbie: Yeah. That's amazing. Gretta, introduce yourself and tell us what you do, because I love your niche too.

Gretta: Thanks, Debbie. I'm Gretta Orazen. I am a certified life coach and I am passionate about helping women, who are spinning in overwhelm and probably doing a lot of overthinking, get out of their heads and back into an amazing life. I came to life coaching as a really frazzled professional and mom and wife. I'm a little bit of an introvert, and it was just too much. Coaching really helped me end overwhelm in my life and my experience in my life is so much richer and so much better than it was before.

I really like to focus on how life feels to you inside of yourself, rather than focusing on things that are happening outside of you. So I'm really excited to share the truth about overwhelm and how women can start fixing that.

Debbie: You know, this is so awesome because it's the first of the year. We happen to be recording this on New Year's eve. And so we know tomorrow that everybody is going to start the day ready to conquer the year, ready with new goals, which I love. I mean, I too have goals and have really thought about what I wanna accomplish. There is something magical about the start of the year, but you guys, the three of you are really going to be talking about at the summit things that people need to understand to number one: not just lose weight, 'cause practically every female has some kind of weight loss goal that they're finally gonna do it. And by the way, until you know what Sue and Kim have to tell you about your health and your mindset around that, you're gonna fail at another diet. I really mean that sincerely, because you're missing one part of it, which is the part that they will help you with.

So, and Gretta, for you, you know what keeps people moving forward is the ability to be able to make decisions. And when you're overthinking, you're just stuck.

Gretta: Yeah. When people would ask me, I always dreaded that question, like, where do you see yourself in five years? I was like, Dude, I'm trying to get to the end of the week.

Like, I just, I couldn't think like that far out because I was so overwhelmed with just day-to-day. So I wasn't really a goal -focused person. But what I've noticed is now that I understand how to manage things that might be overwhelming to me, I do have goals and I'm much more future-focused now because I'm not in survival mode so much.

Debbie: Oh my gosh. I think that so many women, and I will include myself in this category, just thought that being anxious and stressed and overwhelmed was just part of what every day should be. Now I'll speak for myself and say I haven't mastered that, but the beauty of life coaching is that you have this awareness now to know that I could actually think about this differently and this definitely would change the way that I feel.So, yeah, that's good conversation there about overthinking and indecision. All right. What else do you guys wanna share? Ken, let's start with you about your talk and kind of what you hope people will really take away from the summit talk that you are giving.

Kimberly: Yeah. So the subject of my talk is why restrictive diets fail and three simple steps to stop overeating. And I think that goes to exactly what you said, right? Like this is the time of year where everybody's searching for the next new diet, you know, the next quick fix or fad to undo whatever indulgences happened over the last month or so. But, you know, you can start a million different diets, but you take your brain with you and unless you fix the root cause of the issue, which is individual to different people, but it all goes back to your thoughts, your feelings, right? Those are the things that are driving our actions and we have to create awareness around those to be able to change them. So that's what coaching brings to people. But in my talk, I really wanna talk about why those restrictive diets that we've all been seeking out, that we've all been using fail so often, because there's an actual biological reason behind that.

Mm-hmm. And then what you can do instead. And it's so much simpler than you think.

Debbie: Oh my gosh. I love the idea, simple and also easier, right? Easier than you expected it to be. So, most of the women that I work with, and that you guys have as clients are also seeking accountability. Now, maybe they're not specifically coming and saying that and I don't think seeking accountability is a weakness. Sometimes people say, well, I don't have to have accountability. You act like I can't do it on my own. And that's not what I'm saying. But a lot of people want accountability. And that's one thing that coaching can provide, that sort of check-in that we all need.

And as women, we have not made ourselves a priority, right? We've taken care of everybody else and these things that we wanna accomplish, these goals, these dreams, these aspirations we always put on the back burner. And so I wanna encourage you, if you have some things that you have wanted to accomplish, get a coach.

Because not only can they help you with the skill, the strategies, the mindset, but also the accountability is significant. I know that I never am without a coach because I want to grow and expand my life in many ways, and coaching helps me do that. So, all right, Sue, how about you? You wanna talk about your talk?

Sue: Yes, I would love to. My talk is about loving the body you are in so that you can enjoy your life now. So many women, myself included, put off really living your life until your body's a different size, until you feel better in your clothes. And you know what? We miss out on so much. I have missed out on so much in my past and I know all of the women I have ever met have done the same in one aspect or another, and I just want us all to live our best life starting today. And I'm going to teach women how they can begin to feel more confident in their body right now before they lose any weight, before they change it at all, and how to just get out there and do the things they want to do.

Debbie: I have thought many times, I wish we knew how many hours a day a woman spends obsessing about her body, what she has on thinking about the bulge here or there, or how her arms look in a dress or what her neck looks like or what she's going to eat, or just the amount of energy that is used thinking about your body and what it looks like or food.

And saying that you don't love what you're looking at. It's the same thing you're talking about, Sue.

Sue: And I have had a lot of my clients and I've tracked it myself. You take a day and you track how many times that thought comes up, how many times you say something out loud, and it is shocking and so sad that this is how we're spending our time. We're missing out on quality relationships. We're missing out on really being in the moment because we can't stop thinking about how we look.

Debbie: I can't imagine trying to count that all day long, honestly.

Sue: It's a full-time job. Mm-hmm.

Debbie: It would be, because you know, just even being on Zoom you're looking at yourself, as we're all talking on Zoom and we're thinking about ourselves, how we look.

Wow. I do wanna mention at the summit, at the end of day one, at the end of day two, we do have one hour of open coaching. So whatever coaches teach on Friday or teach on Saturday, we'll come back at the end of the day and you as an attendee can come and get coached on anything. So if you have questions for any of these ladies or any of the other speakers, or you know you need to be coached about something.

Then I also wanna encourage you to come to the open coaching that we're gonna be offering. All right, Gretta, let's hear about your talk.

Gretta: My talk is the truth about overwhelm and how to fix it. So I went decades and decades not understanding like when these ladies and you have mentioned about changing your thoughts, it's like, okay, either that sounds really easy or how's that possible?

Like my brain just gives me thoughts and I'm not driving my thoughts. They're just occurring to me, right? but what I've learned about overwhelm is that it really is about what you're thinking and so I'm gonna give women some concrete strategies for understanding and combating that. One of the interesting things that I love and I'm perplexed by as a coach, as soon as you start focusing on something like overwhelm.

So the other day I had, you know, the ladies came and cleaned my house for me, which I greatly appreciate every two weeks. And I love being in my house for about 27 minutes which is the time in which like they had cleaned, people came home, I went upstairs and it was like wild animals had opened mail and left wrappers on places, and thrown the pillows back off the couch.

And I felt it in me, like old me, oh my God, why did I just spend this money? Why can't you enjoy this house the way it is? I need to clean this up. Oh, and wait. Now I'm wrong because I'm gonna speak to people about overwhelm and here I am, like losing my mind. But in one microsecond, I was just like, Nope, not gonna do that.

That's what I would've done in the past. So you would take a small instance and blow it up into an overwhelming event by what you're thinking in your mind. And this time I was just like, of course that's what they do. But it sounds a lot easier than it is and it takes time. But I just love the way that you have a continual opportunity to up-level your life, and you might not even realize how quickly it happens, and yet how often you have to just keep exercising those muscles.

Debbie: Yeah, I think that when you hear about something like this, you think, oh, I can just change my thoughts. And I just wanna say, no, there's this car that has a track. It's made ruts in your brain. It's going the same direction all the time around the track, thinking the same thought that is on autopilot. Just like we said, every time you look in the mirror, you put something on or you walk past a mirror or, you know, like you said, Gretta, the reaction that you have or the anxiety that you have about going to work on Monday morning, something like that. Those are thoughts that are very, very hard to break.

And that again is why you need coaching to help you correct those thoughts.

Gretta: Yeah, and sometimes my clients they also alternatively can get results very, very quickly. Yeah. So I was coaching a professional who was sitting in their car dreading going into work, like giving themselves a pep talk about going into work because things were becoming so difficult.

And of course it was just a lot of the thinking around it, but within one or two weeks of getting coached and looking at what's happening in your mind, because really, how often do we have 45 minutes or an hour where we get to talk just about what's happening for us. It is such an amazing space and an honor to coach people because the attention is a hundred percent on them.

And where else do you really get that? I haven't found that experience very often in my life, and I think people really find a lot of value in it. And when you have that intense focus, things can also happen very quickly in a positive way.

Debbie: Yeah. And I'm sure, again, these are coaches that are listening to the podcast, so we're kind of like singing to the choir, is that what they say?

You know, they already know about coaching, but it's always so good if you're not coaching on any of these niches to really be able to think about and consider it. And we know that coaches by coaching, so I'm sure that some of you guys listening to this podcast are thinking, I need to hire that person , you know, for what I have going on.

I also wanna talk just briefly about what the experience is for you or has been as you have told people about being a life coach and about your business and about what the response has been to people. Because one of the reasons that I was hoping was to get you seen as an expert in your area.

So did one of you guys wanna talk about kind of what people thought about you becoming a life coach and how that shifted?

Sue: Yeah, so I have been doing this for quite some time, and a lot of family and friends, they're just like, oh, that's fun. You know, she likes a healthy lifestyle and she talks to people about it and they all think I am a fitness trainer teaching exercise classes or giving out diets to people, you know. And when the summit came up and they saw that I was gonna be a speaker, they became interested and suddenly thought, wow, this is something, I think there is more to what she does than just teaching people how to eat and exercise.

And so it really brought up a lot of questions, a lot of interests, a lot of, I need that. Can you help me too? or my daughter needs you, my friend needs you. Just a whole lot of interest into what life coaching actually does and when people see how you have changed in your life. They wanna know how you've done it. Right. And even though I may have been telling them all along, it was life coaching that got me to where I'm at to this beautiful, amazing life that I'm living right now. They need to hear it over and over and over again and kind of get a taste of what it's like to see that it is possible for them too. And it is a real thing.

Debbie: Yeah, you guys have heard me share the story about me getting certified and I've always been a business coach, but I did a life coach certification kind of just for fun. And, of course, it wasn't just for fun. We're all life coach school certified and it was hard work.

So once I got certified, then my daughter who was getting her doctorate as nurse practitioner kept saying, mom, you're so different. And I thought I was lovely all the time anyway. So I was thinking, what is she talking about? And because of what she saw in me, she went and got a certification from the life coach school. That's the impact really, of coaching and how it changes who you are. And that's what happened for me. You know, it really changed me enough that my daughter, now is certified and has no intention really of being a coach. But the value it brings to her marriage, to her parenting, to the way she interacts with her patients at work is really something.

All right, Kim, tell me what else you think women need to know about coaching.

Kimberly: Yeah, I think, until you've experienced coaching yourself, it's kind of hard to wrap your brain around exactly what it is and exactly what happens in coaching and why it's so impactful.

And that was certainly my experience when I came to coaching. I came to coaching through a weight loss program. I thought I was just gonna lose some weight. I didn't really know exactly what was gonna happen. And once I got in there, I was like, oh, yes, I am losing weight. But the mindset work that I'm doing, reverberates out to the rest of my life, to my family, to my relationships, to my career.

And so that's why I think the summit is such an amazing opportunity for people to be like, okay, well let's get a taste of this and all the amazing things that coaching can do in your life and the lives of the people around you. The summit will give people so much exposure to what's possible.

Debbie: Yeah. Oh, well said.

Gretta: Can I add that I think one of the wonderful benefits of having the summit is for example, Kim may have friends or relatives who aren't interested in weight loss or don't need that benefit, but they might come to the summit because they know Kim and then they'll hear from other coaches that may be talking about things that are relevant for them.

So I think it's a great opportunity for people to hear the broad range of coaching and kind of coaching topics or emphasis that people have, and I think that's really exciting.

Debbie: Yes, ladies. There are going to be coaches from many other certifications.

I do not just coach coaches from the school that I went to, the life coach school. There are many other certifications represented and that is a totally different kind of coaching and it is fascinating to learn from other coaches. So even life coaches are gonna learn some things. There's a coach that's gonna be talking about finding inner peace.

We have a coach that is going to be talking about holistic approaches to managing anxiety through breath work through, gosh, lots of things that I am interested in really learning about. We've got somebody that's gonna come in and talk about Enneagrams. I know a lot of you guys are interested in those, right now.

And I know I'm interested in it too. So it really is about Enneagram and how you can use that to support relationships in your family. Also, taking care of elderly loved ones, Aaron Thompson's gonna be talking about that.

I think all of us that are here, and I think that will be attending this summit could unexpectedly find themselves in a position where they are taking care of a family member, because we're kind of all in that middle age where there are loved ones that are aging and they need our support. So many things you guys, and so many perspectives. Just really, really grateful, to have you guys here, to have you guys speaking.

Super excited to hear what you have to say. You guys, thank you so much for being here. Make sure that you go register designlivethrive.com and make sure that you attend. Alright, you guys, then put it into practice. These ladies are gonna be teaching you.

Everybody, every single speaker will give you a takeaway that will be very useful for your life, that will help you really be able to create that best year in 2023. I know I'm gonna go for it. So thank you so much, Kim, Sue, Gretta. Cannot wait till January 13th and 14th to spend my day with you guys.

All right. Happy New Year. We'll see y'all very soon. Bye-bye. 

Debbie: Okay ladies, that is it for today. Before we go, I want to invite you to head over to debbieshadid.com. I have this incredible Canva training, specifically designed for life coaches where I'm gonna teach you how to use Canva to create beautiful graphics to market your life coaching. All right. Have an amazing week.

I'll talk to you very soon. Bye bye.