188 - Design, Live, Thrive: The Journey to Becoming a Summit Speaker Part 1
Episode 187 of the Life Coach Business Building Podcast
In this week's episode, I sit down with three more speakers from the Design, Live, Thrive Summit to talk about their experience and growth as they participate in this year’s event.
Each of the speakers share how the summit helped them refine their niche, clarify their message, understand their target audience, and increase their self-confidence. They share their personal struggles, mindset blocks, and how they overcame all of those in a short period of time, and was able to create a powerful signature talk!
We’ll also hear about their journey inside the Fast Track Program as they emphasized the importance of having a supportive community and mentors.
Seeing their progress truly makes me feel so proud, happy, and excited! I can’t wait for you to hear all the amazing talks in the up coming summit.
👉 Don’t miss the chance to Immerse yourself in the wisdom of 27 expert female coaches to helping you create the life you've always dreamed of this 2024! Sign up for the FREE Design Live & Thrive Summit here!
👉 Create a profitable business that looks good and sets you up to be respected through the Fast Track Business Building Boutique Program
👉 Check out my FREE Canva Workshop and learn how to create stunning graphics for your coaching business!
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Debbie: Do you dream of being a speaker of being invited to events to be able to share what you are most passionate about to be able to share about your coaching?
If so, this podcast is for you.
Welcome to the podcast. I am super excited to be able to highlight some additional speakers for our Design Live Thrive Summit. I want to let you know that this is going to be a two part podcast. In the first part, we're going to be meeting three of our speakers and then on a separate episode, I had an opportunity to actually interview two other speakers.
So we're going to introduce you today to five speakers. We're going to be talking about. What this summit is all about. But first I want to introduce you to my summit co host, Thais Glenn. Thais, tell us a little bit more about you. Yes. Thank you, Debbie. Thank
Thais: you so much for having me here and for, you know, this opportunity to share the summit with you.
I was there last year and it was so amazing. I'm super excited to do this this year with you as your co host. So [00:01:00] I am Thais Glenn. I am a coach here on Building Business Boutique, and I am the client, success coach. So my job is to really ensure the clients are getting the very best treatment they can and really succeed on everything that they dream of. My main coaching here. It's the business mindset coach. So I really focus on your identity as a coach, right? If you just carry the identity to your business, it's really hard for you to succeed. So that's what we work through here.
We transform the identity. We focus on your future self.
Debbie: I'll just tell you that as part of the business building boutique, the work that I do with clients is really helping them get their business built. It's giving very specific next steps, step by step is giving lots of feedback, lots of direction.
And that needs to be balanced mindset wise, supporting you or encouraging you in a different way. Cause I'm kind of the driver, right? I'm kind of the one who's the task. Master helping you guys get things done. And sometimes it's hard to get those things done and you have a little like niche drama.
So incomes ties to help you do that. So Tice, we love you. Thanks for being here. I love being here. Thank you. I want to take a moment and just talk [00:02:00] about. What these clients and all of the other 30 speakers have done to prepare for this summit. It sounds easy to say, I want to be a speaker. I'm going to do speaking when I do coaching, but let me tell you, there's a lot more to it than what you realize.
So, let me just kind of take a moment to tell you what these ladies and the rest of the ladies have done. To actually come to this moment where they're going to be speaking at the summit. 1st of all, and this is all work that we do inside the business building boutique, whether they are fast track clients or clients, we 1st, have to work with most of them on their niche because there still is questions about, niching down, should I niche down? Do I understand what my niches problems are? Do I really understand what the unique solution is that I'm going to offer? So we work on niche. Almost everybody, even if they're already coaching clients and they have, you know, pretty good business, they still have niche questions that we have to kind of narrow down [00:03:00] and clarify.
Then we work on our message. And that message getting clarity on that. That is probably I think everybody would shake their heads and agree like the number one most challenging thing that we do, but also the most rewarding because once you figure out your message and you have clarity on that, then when it comes time to speak.
It's pretty easy to put your talk together. Maybe I shouldn't say easy. It's doable to put your talk together because you understand what your client's pain points are. You understand what their needs are. You understand what their desires are and you're able to talk about it in a much easier way than maybe before we work together.
We also work on things like Canva, the technology, the flow desk, email marketing, social media. Everybody here built websites since the time we worked together. Some of our clients come with websites and they decide, you know, my website needs some changes. So they're doing that. But all of those pieces together are just a part of what it [00:04:00] takes to arrive at this moment where they can be speakers.
So to prepare for the summit. actually wrote talks. We again, prepared their social media and their email marketing, but they're the ones who are executing it. So even down to. Being able to, for the first time, record their talk on zoom while sharing their slides, all of it sounds very easy, but it is much harder when you do it for the 1st time.
So, would you ladies introduce yourself and tell us who you coach and what you're going to be talking about at the summit? And then we'll ask you some other questions. Shauna, why don't you start?
Mechelle: Sure.
Shauna: Hi, my name is Shauna Randazzo. Um, and I call myself a self care coach and I coach moms. That's really my target, right?
Moms are, we're busy, we're overwhelmed, and it's just so hard to do everything sometimes, right? We're juggling. We're busy and we put ourselves last on the list. Um, sometimes as a mom, I, I feel like I don't even eat dinner. I eat the leftovers on my kid's plate and that's just not okay. It's just not where I want to be.
And I'm sure it's not where moms want to be. So I really focus on that empowerment and that learning to take care of ourselves in a way that honors. Not only ourselves, but our family, right? Because [00:05:00] that's why we put ourselves last, because we're so focused on them, but we don't have to. Putting ourselves on the list also helps us honor them.
Debbie's voice: Well, thank you. I'm so glad you're here and what you're coaching on for sure. You know, we hear that word self care and we can talk about that and you're going to talk about that in your summit talk. by the way, as a reminder, we have watched all of these talks, so we know how good they are. Uh, she's going to talk about self care and it's not that self care that you're thinking about.
So, um, Make sure you tune in. We'll tell you all the details. Let me just say for the beginning, if you have not signed up for this summit, designlifethrive. com is where you sign up to save your seat for free. All right. Thank you. Devorah, tell us who you are and who you coach.
Devorah: Okay. So I am Devorah Schulman and I Coach women who have struggled for a lifetime with overeating and binge eating and body image.
So I coached them that they could learn how to find a solution to beating their binge eating and their overeating and gaining a new life, and at the same time having better health. Both physical, emotional [00:06:00] mental health than they ever thought possible before. I love what I do. It's something that I've struggled with and have found the answer, which I will talk about in my presentation.
I love taking it and making it into very concrete, doable things that are not high in the sky and, and, and, and like way out there and, and that people can't relate to I want people to know that They can feel normal and it has nothing to do with a number on a scale. but it has something to do with having the power to take care of yourself and to do what
Debbie's voice: truly honors you. All right. See what I'm talking about you guys.
DeVore did not share that I want to give you a little teaser on is she talks about Something honestly, that really blew my mind, which is processed food addiction and she in her workshop, you are going to want to listen to this. I eat healthy, but now I learned some things and and, uh, I'm a new grandmother as most of you guys know that I was like, oh, my goodness.
My little Lucy is not eating any of that stuff. And that is all thanks to Devorah. So you guys are going to want to tune into that. So thanks Devorah. All right, Michelle, Introduce yourself. Tell us who you coach and what you're going to talk about at the summit. Thank
Mechelle: you for having me here, Debbie.
I'm really glad to be here. My name is Michelle [00:07:00] Gephardt, and I'm the Dinner Habit Coach, and I help busy moms create stress free meal planning habits to get dinner on the table so that family meals can be a place of connection for parents and children alike, and I am speaking on, I have to look at my title here, Successful Meal Planning Habits, the most important tool you need for meal planning freedom. many years ago, I found myself looking into the refrigerator every day at 4. 30, wondering what in the world I was going to do while everyone was very, very hungry and I was very, very hangry. And I thought, why am I going through this loop every day? I've got to figure this out. I actually was at a workshop, I took this questionnaire that indicated that I needed help with this.
And so I embarked on self education to help me master the whole dinner planning process. So I love to help moms figure that out. I think it's a completely individualized problem. Everybody has their own. And it's really fun to customize that experience in my coaching. Oh,
Debbie's voice: my gosh. I love it. We've had some fun too with Michelle and we'll talk about this, but just as a little clue.
Michelle just landed on this niche. Yeah. Just like, I don't know, maybe 6, 8 weeks ago, something not maybe not even 8 weeks ago. I mean, just recently and has built her website. She got clear on her message. I mean, [00:08:00] she's done all of this in a very, very short amount of time. So I'm super excited for where she's going.
All right. I'd love to find out from each of you kind of why you wanted to be a speaker. I'm curious. Thanks. Did you even think about ever being a speaker? Uh, you know, why did you decide the summit was something that you wanted to participate in? And Shauna, why don't you
Shauna: start? I have speaking training, so I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna sit up here and be like, Oh, um, I speak a lot in my job, but I feel like it's different.
Right. Because I'm speaking from a place of like, I'm, I'm working for someone I'm representing something else. And this is. This was personal, right? This is very much me. And even my talk and my niche, I felt like was very personal. Like that's how I found it. It came from a place where it was my pain point and it was something that I struggled with.
And so that's kind of how. I got upon that. Right. So deciding to speak, I think was a little different. Um, I w I was nervous and I, I feel like it was one of those things where it was like, I was a kid again, where it was like, well, everyone else is doing it. Like maybe I should jump in there and do it. Um, I was hesitant.
Debbie, you were very inspirational. You're like, Oh, it's great. And then taste is like, Oh, it's so much fun. Oh, we're good. It's going to be great. I'll get through And when I did that list in my head, I was kind of like, Where were the negatives there? There weren't any on the list besides my own [00:09:00] kind of as Thais would say, right?
Mindset barrier of like, Ooh, I don't know if you want to do that. so I think that's how I got, I just kind of had a talk with myself and was like, don't be in your own way. Don't be the person standing in your own way. which I think is a lot with coaching, right? we're the ones who stand in our own way.
So I kind of just empowered myself and said, okay, like, And it became easy because I was sharing a very personal, passionate message. it flowed, I felt like, for me very easily to kind of jump in there once I did it. and kind of that's where I came from, right? A very personal place of like, okay, let's do this.
Debbie's voice: Devorah, what about you? Why did you decide you wanted to be a speaker? I
Devorah: have actually listened to and watched summit for a number of years some of them I learned from some of them are a total waste of time. And I listened to Mike. I know this already maybe I could speak on a summit.
I wanted to speak on a summit for a long time. But I noticed that in the summit world, there tend to be clicky and it's like the same speakers over and over again with the same message over and over again for the most part. And I've actually purchased summits and and I said. It was, you know, but I know this stuff already.
Okay. There's some, it's in different things. When I saw this opportunity, I feel that I have a message that is not widely known and I wanted an opportunity to [00:10:00] share that message. With a bigger audience the preparation, Debbie made it so easy. This is such a wonderful experience. You know what? I almost feel like I feel like 1st of all, I can't even say enough good things about fast track and about Debbie and I just can't.
There's just so much about it. I almost feel like I'm taking piano lessons and this is the recital.
This is a way to showcase what I have learned, it's a culmination, but just like with piano lessons, you're always going on to more and more and higher levels, but I feel like. This was a place to, to kind of show off what I've accomplished. feel like I'm in the company of so many amazing people that I, I never would have encountered, excuse me.
Wonderful, supportive people, helpful people. Everybody even people who are in a similar niche to mine. There's no competition. It's just support. But again, my big thing is this is a real opportunity to spread my message and to be among a plus top rated. other coaches and other speakers.
Debbie's voice: Oh, Devorah, you're so right.
You're so right. Such amazing people in this group. . [00:11:00] So Devorah, you were very gracious because some of the speakers, actually quite a few of the speakers, we had edits to your talk. So do you want to talk about that experience for you? Your talk was. So packed with information. We actually wanted you to shorten it.
So do you want to share how that was for you?
Devorah: What happened was, is that 1st of all, we were given originally a 30 minute limit and then Debbie said, well, fast track since your, since your presentations are recorded, you can take more time. I put together. A lot of slides I went to like 44 minutes.
I think even more, but I went way over time, but it wasn't just a matter of time. I'm always feeling like. I'm not, I, you know, I'm not, I'm not the big expert. There's people in my world that are scientists and they're presenting to other medical professionals and people that just have a lot of experience and.
And maybe that was the audience that I was trying to present to, so I was presenting with medical jargon and terminology and something that that people wouldn't be able to relate to. It's not a matter of dumb. If somebody would talk about something, I don't know, like in computer science and they're talking about all the things or, or legal jargon, I, I wouldn't understand it either, no matter how interesting it is, unless it was on a real introductory level. And so after recording everything and turning it in, I was asked to do it over again.
And to cut back and to, I'm trying to figure a nicer
Debbie's voice: way to say this, simplify, simplify,
Devorah: simplify, simplify what I'm doing for people that are not [00:12:00] familiar with my topic. Yeah. And, and I did it. It was hard. It was really, really hard to cut back and because even my presentation, I could probably to talk in depth could probably make.
Five presentations on it. And you know what? I probably will Yeah. At some point.
Debbie's voice: But so I, yeah, I, I just wanna commend Devora 'cause she's just one of the many people. When you work with us in the business building boutique or in this summit process, that's part of it. Devora, I mean, I'm, thank you for being honest here and sharing about that.
The talk was amazing, but she's right. She's very smart. It was very high level. And this is part of the work that we do, which is like, how do we connect with the everyday person? And that's our objective for the summit is we want to make sure. That you are engaged and that you listen to everything because what Devorah had to talk about was so important.
We don't want you to zone out when you're listening. We want you to hear every word. So, [00:13:00] Devorah, thank you for letting me ask you that question and. For being, honest about it is difficult to get feedback. Everybody gets feedback from us. Difficult to get the feedback, but it's always for the good of your business that we're thinking about it.
So job well done.
Devorah: Thank you. And one more plug for Debbie. Debbie will not give well, you know, in school, they talk about, you know, today, everybody like, they don't want to hurt the kids feelings because and give them a bad grade. It's not the bad grade. It's, it's feedback. Debbie wants us and Thais, they want us to succeed so much they pull no punches.
Debbie's voice: that's true. I mean, when you come to work with us, you better want to get it done because we take, you invest with us as coaches. We take that investment very seriously and we want to, we want to be honest. And if we have an inkling that something's a little bit out of alignment, we're going to say it back to you.
And we, we assume that you're big girls and that you can take it. we do our best to be compassionate, but our ultimate goal is that we know that you want to make a difference in the world and we want to help you make a difference in the world. So anyway, Thank you, Michelle. Let's talk about you about speaking and maybe just a little bit about your preparation to, why'd you want to speak?
And what was their [00:14:00] preparation like for you?
Mechelle: Well, anything Debbie does is super high quality and aligning myself with her. I was like, Oh, this is an amazing opportunity. So that was really my reasoning. I knew that I would grow in ways. That I couldn't yet see if I proceeded with all the preparation. And so that was a challenging thought because, there's so much that goes into this behind the scenes in Debbie fashion.
She just took me by the hand and walk me through step by step and made me look so good
Thanks. So, um, that was really my motivation is, is wanting to grow and get my message out since I'm just going here, I thought, Oh, this is going to be so great to really work on my messaging and my presentation.
And I've always wanted to be a speaker to like Devorah, I've, attended many summits and been amazed at how people learn to [00:15:00] present themselves and their message. So That was it for
Debbie's voice: me. Okay. I want to brag on Michelle and tell what she's not sharing, which is most of the summit speakers.
In fact, all the summit speakers, except for Michelle actually signed up for the summit in September. They reserved their seat in September at that point. Michelle was in the fast track program. She had no idea what her niche was even going to be. She'd kind of almost taken a pause. Like, I just need some time to think she came into the fast track thinking that she knew what she was going to coach on.
And then she changed her mind, and so she took the time to just, give herself to intuitively figure it out. She gave herself that time. so when she figured out what she wanted to do, Tyson, they were both very excited about it. So I actually reached out to her after the 1st of November, which just according to our summit timeline, people were already had their talks figured out.
We already had looked at their slides. And I said to Michelle, I want you to do this. I think this is a [00:16:00] really great opportunity for you. And she did not have a website. She did not have her message written. She did not have her branding done. She did not have. Even her program figured out none of it. So Michelle said, you know, let me think on it a day or so.
And I was like, look, you have to do all of this before Thanksgiving. So it was like three weeks time. And I want to tell you what Michelle did it all. She did it all. And Michelle's talk, as I'm telling on everybody here, Michelle's talk was actually too short. So Devorah's was long and Michelle's was too short.
And we were like, Oh, Michelle, you're going to have to talk more than that. you have more time and we know you have more to say. Devorah, you're in good company. Michelle had to do hers cause hers was too short. So she had to go through and. Then she rerecorded it and something on the video wasn't quite right.
So then she had to do it a third time. So anyway, Michelle, congratulations on the progress that you have made. Super proud of all that. You [00:17:00] guys are all amazing. Thank you.
Mechelle: And thank you for the opportunity because in September I really wanted to do it. I'm like, Oh my gosh, this is so great. I was in that place.
I had just an identity crisis and I don't even have a topic so I'll have to pass and then I was telling a friend in that day of thinking, about, I want to say, yes, this is going to be a real challenge and I told my family, is everybody up for this because it was all hands on deck.
Debbie's voice: But you did it. You did it. Still getting there. Amazing.
Thais: And Michelle, one thing you just said, I do want to point out, it's the identity, right? Like you had an identity crisis, and it's that point where I'm not too sure what I'm doing here, right? I don't know what I am or who I am or what I want to do.
And you working through that really made you grow so much. So just with this, uh, topic here at the summit, we're like, I wonder how that helped you grow and being more empowered in your business. And I would love to hear from all of you guys, but Michelle, what, what was it for you that, that helped you feel so much more empowered in your business?
Mechelle: Honestly, it, it was clarity. My story is a little bit about trying to find myself I finally feel like I had that breakthrough I needed. And so once I knew what I want to talk about and getting clear on that, all the things I've done over the past years, kind of burbled up to support me and. Doing what needed to be done and on that note This is what I wanted to say is that Debbie coached me with like two sentences She said Michelle if you can Get a hold of your [00:18:00] mindset tell yourself that this doesn't have to take.
Much time, because if you can overcome in your mind that this has to be hard or, take a lot of time, and I'd say that to myself over and over. Oh, no, I can do this. It doesn't have to take much time. And so that made all the difference. What Debbie said to me, What Debbie said to me, probably doesn't even remember, but
Thais: well, and you can see Ryan, like with all that clarity that you gain, it just makes everything so much easier.
Right to speak to other people to really get your website done. I think what takes so long is the lack of clarity, right? That mental drama that we create. It's
Mechelle: so true because once that was there, once the clarity was there. It could come out. I've heard people say that before, and I experienced that,
Thais: right?
Yes. Yes, I agree. Okay. How about you, Shana? How did that, really helped you like this process, this whole process of creating that summit? How did that empower you in your business?
Shauna: I think it made me definitely take myself a little bit more serious, right? especially with coaching kind of as my side hustle, cause I have a full time job.
I have been very lax in that, Oh, I'll do it when I get to it. Or, Oh, you know, it became kind of this side thing that I would say I would have time to do when I would have time, I would work on it, but let's be frank, like I wouldn't. Spend a lot of time working on it. And so I just kind of stayed in that constant loop of never really moving forward and progressing because I just wasn't putting in the time, but I wasn't really putting in the time.
It wasn't about the time, right? It was about me not taking myself seriously. And I [00:19:00] really think, the fast track really helped poke at that. Like, and you guys always say that Debbie and Tanya's like, this is your business. What do you want? And so, I changed that internal self talk. It wasn't anymore that like, oh, this is just my side hustle.
This was like, no, this is something serious. I want to take myself serious my mindset changed. I started thinking to myself like, okay, well, there's going to be a time where this is all I do. and that's kind of where I started to move. And with the summit, I felt like that really just helped kind of empower me like that stamp of, okay, you're, you're serious now.
kind of for yourself as much as kind of for your business, right? That, that credibility I'm putting my time, I'm putting my effort where I want it to be for my business. And I think absolutely. Um, you guys talked about clarity and I, and I feel like that was a huge thing for me. For me, it came with my niche, um, because I was very overwhelmed.
Cause I was like, I know I want to work with moms. Right. But like, there's so many different things. And when I started really drilling down to what I do and what I speak with people the most about and where I saw myself going, it became so clear, but like, I couldn't get there alone because it's so big.
[00:20:00] So it took conversations like taste, like we did a private coaching where it went through and I recorded it and I walked, looked back and I was like, Oh my God, like, cause she kept saying to me, it's so clear. I see it. You need it, but I couldn't see it.
Right. And so then when I went back and I looked and same thing, like I took it seriously, like, this is my job. I'm going to go back a minute. And then it became so clear. And the minute I realized that I was like, I'm a self care coach. Like, this is, this is what I need to help moms with boom. Everything just unfolded every question, the answers were so clear because I wasn't struggling with 50 different answers serving 50 different people, it just became so clear.
Devorah: That
Thais: is so true. I do remember that session. Yeah, and it's so interesting as the coaches and you guys are all coaches so. You might think that you should know those things, right? Like I should be able to see it, but it's not until someone from the outside of your brain can look and it's like, Oh, this is so clear.
Shauna: we're too close to it, right? I do that when I work with clients all the time, right? You're too close. You can't see it. Your, your emotions, your own personal emotions, cloud your view. Whereas the coach doesn't have that. So they're able to see it and then help you see it.
Devorah: Absolutely.
Thais: And you see one thing I really want to point out what you were just saying.
It's again that self image, right? Like when you start to see yourself as a professional coach that has a business and then you can absolutely have the time to prepare your talk and present on the summit. Things changed. Right. So it's not just about you trying to do things, but it's really embracing that new identity that I am a coach who can absolutely have a talk on a summit.
Shauna: For me, the transition went from, I was always trying to make time, like, Oh, when I are always trying to find time to now I made time. I was like, no, no, it's Saturday. Like you talk about, about filming Michelle. And I was like, I had my family. I was like, your tech team, your lighting. You're this, let's go, let's rally, let's hustle.
Um, and like, cause I made time, like it was, it was important to me and that feels very different than, oh, I'll get around to it. It feels so much more empowering. Right.
Thais: Yes. That's so good. Thank you so much for sharing this. How about you Devorah? How was it for you? What, what is it like this process helping you to feel more empowered in your business?
Devorah: process has helped me [00:21:00] to, like, crystallized how to get my message across to people. I know I have a message and I know I'm bubbling over and learning how to say it in a way that people will. Understand it and people will think, this might be me.
It's a way of connecting with people. I haven't. It's something that I have personally struggled with finding a way to connect with people. I've worked very hard at it, but. And and and hard work is is very necessary, but it needs to be focused. A lot of times I will spin my wheels and spin my wheels and work really hard and not.
Get anywhere because I don't have the direction this gave me direction of how to tailor something to reach people and connect with them and to say the message in a way that they could hear it. that was something that was lacking. A lot of times I was going through the motions.
But this has taken me on a deeper level to not just go through the motions, and I feel like I'm not expressing myself very well, but I get it.
Thais: It's almost like this [00:22:00] spaghetti in a wall, when you're trying to throw spaghetti in a wall, hoping something will stick, and you're just talking everything to everybody, hoping someone will listen.
And with you, we're really clear to see how you are able to really Be clear and focused and just concise in your message. none of you guys have any fluff on your talks. It's like pure information and greatness. And I'm just so proud of all of you. You all did such a phenomenal job, and thank you so much, Devorah, for saying those things, because I, I agree with you, that it, that sense of clarity just brings the empowerment, for sure.
So, just before we wrap up here, is there anything each of you would like to add about your experience on the Fast Track? Like, what you accomplished, how was that for you being in Fast Track
Mechelle: I'd like to say that Fast Track is so organized there's a real sense of clarity I've purchased so many courses and so much education and so much information, but Debbie actually gets results. The only way to not get results, of course, is just to quit, but she has it laid out so that You actually get what you came [00:23:00] for. I really can't say that about very many things. and the depth of what's there. I'm very excited because I feel like this is more of a long term, situation It's brilliant how she has it set up to work at your own pace, yet she doesn't let you stay too long in one place.
I'm just moving along because of the way she has it organized the real frosting on, the cake is the friends I've made the community and people throw that around. But it's really true. when you get to share about your business, cause do your friends love to hear you talk about your business?
Does your family love to hear you talk about your business? No, probably not. You know, they'll give you some, but the other. Ladies in fast track are so right there walking with me and I just love that.
Debbie's voice: Thank you so much for that. I appreciate that. Um, I'm trying to wrap this up.
You guys, Shauna or Devorah, you guys want to add anything else to somebody else who's on the fence about. Working [00:24:00] in one of our programs.
Shauna: Oh, just do it. Don't don't get in your own way. Just do it. I won't take too long, but I will say like, I have zero regrets. My only regret is I wish I would have found Debbie sooner.
I would have saved myself years of Same thing I would buy the cheap courses like, oh, it's only 30. I'll get it right. But that adds up. And then I would have, I would, I would look at the end of the year and I'd be like, I spent like 1, 000 on crap that I didn't use or didn't pay attention to, or got nothing from.
And so I was one of those people too. When I first met with Debbie, I was like, I know I need this, but like, do I need it? Right. Cause you know, justifying spending the money. and that was just silly. I jumped in. I don't know why, right. Something about talking with Debbie and the connection and the timing, I was just like, do it.
And I did. And like I said, my only regret is not doing it sooner in terms of money. Cause I'm, I'm a money person. So I'll speak to the mom. Who's like, Hey, I don't know if I have the money for that. You [00:25:00] do like, it saved me. So much money and so much time I'm buying stuff that I didn't need and wouldn't have used because this is a one stop shop and the support as Michelle talked about, like the support that, like, I feel like Debbie and Tyson, like my business advisors, like now I emailed them, like, do you think I should do this?
so the program is just great. And then and same as Michelle said, like you have other people to like now I don't have to just go to Debbie or taste like I can email the board and say, Hey, could you take a look at this? What do you think? So, yeah, do it. Do
Debbie's voice: it. Thank you. Devorah, I'll let you wrap it up for us.
Devorah: I agree. If you're on the fence, do this. A lot of people are like me. We take coaching courses. I took my nurse coaching course and I was so excited. This is the answer. This is how I can do health care and not just sick care. and then crickets. I had no way of reaching people will say, Oh, yeah, you make a terrific coach.
But what they don't tell you is that you have to [00:26:00] be in business and they don't tell you how to be in business. They might give you little pieces here and there. Like, I had a website building template, but they didn't tell me the nuts and bolts of not just a template, but Why and wherefore and how and I did not have a business and I thought I'm not entrepreneurial.
There's no way. I also spent time and I spent money on courses that this was going to be it and ended up with nothing And then I stumbled on Debbie's Canva training, which And I said. am finally learning how to do Canva. Finally! I even have my first attempts that were totally messed up.
I still, you know, have that to remind me. And I still can't connect Canva directly with Facebook because I messed it up way back when. But I have accomplished so much. I have a website. I've done presentations. I have a brand. I am on the map now. Yeah. And it just gets better and better So definitely, if you have any doubts, Just do it
Debbie's voice: I'm going to wrap it up. Now, listen, if you are still listening here and you have not signed up for the summit, please do so design live thrive dot com. Not only will you [00:27:00] have access on December 30th in just a few days, you're going to have access to all of these speakers. That you've heard last week and this week, you're going to have access to all of their talks so that you can get a jumpstart on the new year.
Every 1 of these speakers. If you get in our Facebook group is going to be giving away free coaching. Every one of these speakers is there to serve you. Of course, every one of them wants to sell you a coaching, but the goal of this is to put into practice what they have learned with us, which is to help people, to serve people, to coach people.
Right. To do the presentations to educate people. They all have gifts for you. So make sure you sign up Tyson. I are going to wrap up the actual live speaking summit with a two hour workshop for coaches. So if you're a coach, make sure you sign up as well. make sure you check the box that you're a coach.
So you have the details to that workshop as well. Anyway, you guys are amazing. Thank you so much. Make sure [00:28:00] you stay tuned for part two, where you're going to hear from Petra and Kara, as we wrap up this series for our pre summit workshop talks. All right, guys, have an amazing week. We will see you all on December 30th as we unveil your topics.
Until next time. Thanks guys.