Ep 203 - Fast Action Leads to Faster Results: A Client Conversation with Life Coach Carisa
Episode 203 of the Life Coach Business Building Podcast
Have you ever wondered about what can happen to your business if you just set aside all the drama, show up, and take action?
In this episode, I had the opportunity to speak with one of my incredible clients, Carisa Peters. Carisa is a Transformational Mom Coach, and one of the things that really helps her in her business is that she always shows up and takes the necessary actions to be successful.
In this conversation, we are going to take a deep dive into:
How niching down allowed her to create more authentic connections with her audience.
How taking action led to her business growth.
And how having a coach and a supportive community allowed her to show up and step into becoming a more confident coach.
So, if you ever find yourself in a rut, be sure to listen to this episode and be inspired by all the intentional actions that Carisa is taking!
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Preview: when I'm in my comfort zone in all parts of my life, really not just business, but like personal health, family relationships, when I get too comfortable and it's too mundane every day, I'm not growing. I'm not evolving. I'm not. Changing in ways that could help me in all the areas of my life. So I think, you know, looking at what, you know, your strengths and weaknesses are in a comforting way, not a judgmental way and say, how can I use these to my benefit? How can I work on the things I need to, and then what are some things I can do today to just take action because that momentum is usually what gets me going and just feeling more confident as I go.
Intro: Hello, I'm Debbie Shadid, the host of the Life Coach Business Building podcast. If you are ready to have more clients in your life coach business, then you're in the right spot. Each week I'm gonna teach you super simple strategies to grow your business without feeling overwhelmed and without spending money on paid ads. If that sounds interesting. Stick around and let's get started.
Debbie: You guys today, I am so excited to introduce you to one of our clients, Carisa, who is a coach for moms, and she is going to be talking to you about her journey of building her business. She's an excellent action taker, and we'll talk about her niche. We'll be talking about the marketing that she has done and just how her business has unfolded.
So let's get started. Welcome to today's podcast. I'm super excited to bring on one of our clients who is a big action taker. That's what we're going to be talking about today. Before we get started, though, I want to invite you guys to come to our next workshop. As y'all know, we have workshops a couple of times a month and our next workshop is about creating a plan for marketing.
It is on April 5th, head over to debbieshadid.com/workshop and make sure that you sign up there for this next workshop. I'll tell you, you will leave that workshop with a plan for marketing and you guys know what I say. Take The only way to clients is through marketing. So I want you to be there. All right, Carisa. So will you introduce yourself and tell us a little bit about who you coach? Welcome by the way.
Carisa: Absolutely. I'm so happy to be here. Thank you for the invitation. My name is Carisa Peters, and I am a transformational mom coach. I really specialize in empowering moms at any age who may be struggling with life's challenges because I was one of those moms.
I still am sometimes, right? For many years I was struggling with life's challenges. So I know how To guide them to the root of what's at that unhappiness and really help them turn that misery into this lasting peace and joy. I often tell myself it sounds too good to be true, but I am an example and I have many other examples where it is possible. So that is who I help and what I do.
Debbie: Yeah, that's so fantastic. We were just talking before we got started about how much we both love life coaching and how our lives have been so transformed from coaching. And just, I think the key is we know that they'll continue to be transformed because like we have the secret.
The secret to being able to know how to really create anything we want in our life. All right. So you've been working with me since when? I think maybe two and a half months? January. Yeah. Just after the beginning of the year. So when you came to me, what was your niche and talk to me about your niche and if it's changed? Give me something, an understanding of how you came to be in the niche that you're in now.
Carisa: Yeah. It's really interesting because I found life coaching and worked on myself for about a year and a half and transformed my own life and was like, I have to share this with the world. Like I know there are people out there suffering and I have to help them.
So I just sort of dove in. And since I did have a little bit of a business background, I felt Comfortable taking those first steps of just starting to dive into coaching. And so I felt safe in just being a general life coach. And so while I wasn't really marketing myself as a transformational mom coach at the time, like from the start, I really did start to see a pattern where.
The clients that were drawn to my coaching practice did tend to be mothers. And it was like through working with those incredible moms, I began to see the power and the potential if I would specialize in that niche. But I was afraid, like I was afraid that I had already built up some clients in the general niche.
You know, I was coaching men, women, any age. And I was having success with it. So there was this fear to go to where I really felt like I needed to go. And so I stayed in that kind of stuck place for, I mean, a couple of years. And it was like, you know, when I finally decided that I really need to do this because I do want to take my business to that next level of growth.
And I've been able to reach a certain level. With what I'm doing, but I really want to kind of push myself to that next level and I realized that like every action I was taking every day was harder. My social media content that I was having to come up with was harder because it was almost like I was suppressing this genuine knowledge that I wanted to share and I was making it more broad. So it was like, I'm talking to everyone and not like anyone specifically. So I knew in order for me to take those next steps, I was going to have to make the decision to niche down. And I felt like a passion from the start that I wanted to work with moms, but it was me just pushing away that nudge and not listening to it.
I'm fine with my journey the way it went, but it was very apparent to me, this is where I need to go. So that's what happened in your system sort of gave me that like a little bit of comfort level that I can do this and I can take everything I've learned over these past two years, and I don't have to be afraid and I can really benefit from the streamlining that this process is going to give me. And I can honor this voice inside of me that's ready to talk to these moms. So it was just such an awesome experience for me.
Debbie: Okay, so I want to backtrack a minute and ask you if I recall you did not work with a business coach prior to working with me to give you guys a background. She has been a business owner, obviously not a coach, but a business owner for years successfully. But what was the reason why you did hire or look to hire a coach? What was the reason why you started to look? I'm so glad you chose us, but why did you start that process?
Carisa: Well, and see, I'm going to be fully transparent. It was not like I spent weeks or months or years researching who I was going to work with. I have been someone who, it just seems like things come into my life at the right moment when they're meant to happen. And I think maybe I Was starting to feel that end of the year reflection and, you know, starting 2024. And I was like, I know that I have more potential. I know I have more inside of me. I want to take this to the next level.
I want to help more moms. I think that was the biggest thing. It was like, yes, I'm helping a certain amount of people, but I'm not really connecting to all the moms that I really want to. And so it was that end of the year reflection gearing up for the beginning of the year. And I was like, I need some guidance.
I feel the apprehension. I feel that, even though I have been a business owner and yes, it was in a different industry and I had, you know, different paths with that. I knew that when I worked with a coach, because in the beginning of my career, we didn't really work with any business consultants or anything, but as The world started getting more technical and we wanted to grow our business.
And we actually rebranded, I knew we needed support. And so I did start seeking out business consultants. I was in a peer group and like, I knew firsthand what happens when you surround yourself with people that are urging you and pushing you and encouraging you and setting out like. Goals for you. Right.
And holding you accountable. So like, I did have that knowledge of what that does for me. So it just sort of happened so quickly that I was, you know, spending some time in a coaching group that I was in a Facebook group and I saw Debbie's name come up a couple times and it was like, watch some things from her.
And I just felt this instant, like, I think this lady can help me. I think she's the real deal. And after I had my, you know, conversation with her, I knew that it was the right way to go. So I don't want to say that I spent a lot of time overthinking it. I just had a gut feeling and I knew it was the way I needed to go. And I was right about that. Right. Um, but I, I value what a coach can do for you. I absolutely do.
Debbie: Yeah, me too. Me too. Well, thank you. I wasn't, that's fantastic. I wasn't looking for kudos for myself, but I was just curious. What's the prompt that you say, wait, I need some help here. So after we came, we had our conversation again, you were a general life coach. You decided to niche down. You knew that mom. We're the place to go. What have you noticed has changed about your business since you niche down and really claimed helping moms who are miserable, by the way,
Carisa: There's been so many things, but the one that sticks out in my mind, when you asked that question, the first thing I thought of was like when I narrowed my focus. It was this profound shift within me. It was like I owned it. It was like by honing in on that niche that I had felt all along in my body. Like I need to work with moms because I had a tough journey, right? I had a tough journey, like looking back at my own childhood with my own parents, with then the way I was parenting, you know, in my marriage and all my relationships, just that, like I was settling, I was just settling for the life that I was having.
And I was unhappy and resentful. And it was like, If I can share my experiences and walk moms on the path that I have walked through, I mean, I completely transformed my life in a year and a half, I changed so much about it that I was scared of changing. And so it was like when I started following that new direction, all of that just energy that was within me.
It allowed me to come out, right? So it was like, I just had this untapped energy and passion for these moms. And so when I started following that new, you know, Debbie's roadmap, it allowed me to create like, this more streamlined and effective system that really enabled me to like, do what lights me up, right?
Working one on one with moms and making differences in their lives, like taking them from here. And helping them move here. And so I think that was the biggest thing. It was the shift in me. Like I felt myself just sitting at my desk differently when I started working on my marketing copy and updating my website and, you know, talking to the moms that I wanted to help.
It was just like this. Feeling in me when I sat here, I was more focused on what I was doing. I was more diligent in what I'm going to accomplish today because I have these moms I need to help. So it felt so right. And I knew I was on the right track when literally a couple of weeks after updating my website, I had someone reach out to me that had talked to me two years ago, and we never really moved forward with anything at that time.
And she reached out and she said, you know, we have some Spoken before, but have you changed who you coach now? And I was kind of shocked. I was like, well, yes, I have. Like I'm, I'm more specific that I'm working with moms to help them transform their life, whatever phase they're in of that misery. And she was just like, I knew it.
I, you know, my mom had told me that you had changed your. Focus on who you work with. And I thought now's the time for me to work with you. So that was like evidence that I was on the right track. I was speaking to everyone before and not to the people that I could really make the most impact with. So that was a great feeling. That was a great experience to have.
Debbie: So niching down is scary, though, for a lot of people. And I remember that one of your apprehensions without you sharing any details, because it's personal, we all have our own personal story of how we get to our niche and kind of what's around it. But if you could just speak a little bit about you being uncomfortable because there was something that was personal with your mom journey, that it was like, you were going to expose yourself.
I say, it's like, Once we really get in the niche, that's right for us. It's almost like we're running naked down the street. Everybody gets to find out what is really behind that. Was that almost part of that? I'm getting chills thinking about it. Was that almost part of it that you were free from that now?
Carisa: It was, you know, and there was a lot that happened behind the scenes. You know, I had, um, a lot of just. Things that I considered ugly in my own background and ugly the way I showed up as a mom and shame and embarrassment and through my own coaching and working through a lot of that, that helped. And then also, you know, speaking with members of my family, like, hey, I know I can help moms, but I feel like I need to be a little more honest and vulnerable and transparent because.
When I was going through this, I felt like I was alone on an island and I don't want moms to feel that way. I want them to know that like, it doesn't look pretty and perfect all the time. And there's a lot of pain there. So if I can be a little bit more vulnerable without having to overshare, um, and you know, I was granted that permission from my family.
So it was so empowering for me to say like, I'm going to own this niche. Because I have transformed my life and I know there's moms. I've already helped transform their life and I want to help more. So can I be more vulnerable with my story? Can I be more honest and let them know that they're not alone?
And I am someone that they can trust and have confidence in that I will help guide them and get them from where they are to a better place. And so, yeah, that was a big, I think that's what was a big part of my safety comfort zone of like, Oh, I don't want to have to face that or deal with that. And so it was such a healthy thing, though. It needed to probably happen for me to really be as authentic as I wanted to be.
Debbie: Yeah. That's why I love it if you will get in a niche where you really know where you've really had some transformation, when we start working on your marketing message. It's so much easier. And when you go to do your marketing, we do plan for content and we do have a process for that. But your marketing becomes more effortless because you don't have to think about things like, do I need to read something to see what I should say? Your life is what you should say.
Carisa: Yes. Oh, my gosh. It's so funny that you just said that because that's what I was doing. Like I had everything within me I needed, but what was I doing? I felt like I had to go get educated on something new and learn something and then make it my own. And that was such a lengthy process, what I was putting myself through. So that's why everything took me. So much longer and I was very quickly going to start working way more hours in this business than I really wanted to, because my former life was overworking and I didn't want to do that with this.
So that was beautiful that you just said that because it connected to me. I was like, Oh, my gosh, that was me. And now it's like, I think you've said this on some of our calls. Like I can go anywhere and I can talk about this and I feel confident. And that was so empowering.
Debbie: Yeah, I don't want you to have to learn or read or when you pick your nation and if I have to help you pick your niche, you know, it's like, let's do something that we know. ‘Cause there's a lot of marketing and I want to talk about marketing a little bit. When you were able to narrow down, then I think you're saying your marketing became much easier then. Yes.
Carisa: Much more streamlined and like, Less time less, you know, it's hard to get ourselves to take those steps. Right? So anything you can do to take out those barriers, like, you're going to be so much better off.
And that's what it did for me. It removed all these barriers because I can be like, okay, I'm going to sit down and create. 10 social media posts to have on stockpile. And I can just go within me and feel like, what is something they need to hear? What was I going through? What were my experiences? And I don't have to do all this research or overthinking.
I execute, I just go. And so that was, that was huge for me and the amount of time. And then what it does is I don't get burned out in my business. And so when I get on those calls with those moms, I have all that energy. Like I'm ready to go because I'm not overwhelmed with all of the, you know, the everyday tasks that you have to do when you're marketing for yourself, when you are a solopreneur, it's like you have to do that stuff.
So, um, that was huge for me, like conserving the energy for what I really want to give that, you know, ultimate experience to those moms and not get weighed down in some of those things that I have to continually execute to market my business.
Debbie: Okay. That's so good. Cause I want to talk to you about branding.
And just a little background on branding. When we create a brand in the process we use in Business Building Boutique, I want it to be a really authentic extension of you because I had the experience myself where I felt like my brand message and my brand years ago wasn't really aligned with me. And it did, I did feel burned out.
Like I had to push and like, try to make things happen. And so branding is one of the things you already have, a website. You already had a brand, but talk about what happened with your brand or what changes were made that you feel like has impacted the way you show up in your business.
Carisa: Yeah. I love that you brought that up because I know sometimes, you know, some of the women in our group can be like, Oh, you know, they already had their things.
They're farther ahead than me. But what I did was I looked at your process and I was like, okay, because I came from a background in marketing, printing and marketing. And I did have my brand before I sold my company. I worked with my graphic designer and we developed my brand, but I was just becoming a coach.
Right? So. I wanted to step back and be like, does this brand still resonate with me? Do I think this still works? So one of my words in our group was clarity. And I was like, I'm going to get clarity on everything. I'm going to go and relook at my brand. Do I still love this? Do I still think it's me?
Because now's the time for me to relook at this and change it if I want to. And I really did feel like it was me and that I could maintain this, but I looked at every step, right? So your process of looking at your marketing company, every section of your website, I was like. I'm not going to tell myself, Oh, you already have this.
Just move to the next step. Like really go back and read through all of this and follow the steps and make sure that it's still, it resonates with you and it still is relevant. And I was able to do that. And so I think by following the process and asking myself the questions, I was able to find things that did need to be tweaked, that did need to be changed.
And I just, I really loved that part of it. Cause honestly, when I went into it, I was like, Oh, I already have this. I already have this, right? I had this light and I was like. No, I'm going to start from scratch. And so I don't think anyone ever has to feel like they're behind. Like just follow the steps. And if it takes you longer because you need to create some things, that's okay too.
But being able to, to slow down and look at each of those, um, markers and just say, do I still like this was very all part of that experience for me. It set me up for what I was going to feel that ownership of my brand. And like, this is who I am. And this, this does resonate with who I am still today, even after two years of coaching.
Debbie: Yeah, and it's a different approach. I mean, I, there's a lot of questions and considerations when we think about a brand that maybe when you did your brand with the brand designer previously, you weren't asking yourself those kinds of questions. So understanding how to use your brand also in all the marketing elements.
That's it. That's kind of like a whole nother piece because there is so much marketing that is required.
Carisa: Absolutely. And even though I was in that business, like it's ever changing. So I never feel like I know it all. And, you know, things are, you know, you have to sort of, um, refresh yourself all the time.
So it was really good to be open to doing that with the process that was laid out in front of me.
Debbie: All right, so let's talk about taking action because I really, I come from the life coach school and I wanted to call myself a line coach. And for anybody who's at the life coach school, they know what that is, but it's just about the actions that you take. My thinking when I went to life coach school was that the way the model works is that, um, what you think creates a feeling for you.
And then from that, you'll take the actions and then you'll get a result out of that. And I thought, wait a minute. Okay. I think that in business, when you take actions, even when you don't want to, then you can feel better about your business because you've done this stuff. And I also think that it almost flips the model upside down where you change your thinking.
And it's like, wait, no, I have an email. I have social media. Maybe I didn't think that I wanted to do it, or maybe I didn't feel good about doing it. But once you put that into action, To me there for myself, there's like a level of confidence. And then I think, wow, I'm doing good. And people are going to look at me and I look good.
So it's kind of, it flips the model upside down. Tell me about the action that you've taken and how has that worked for you?
Carisa: It's interesting because I was someone in business who had to take action all the time. But when I look back over the years in that career, my actions weren't always very productive.
I felt like I'm busy, right? Running around doing all these things. But. I told myself that going into this next chapter, I want to work smarter. I don't want to work harder. And, um, I don't know if I'm going to answer your question, but a piece of it that resonates for me was like, I had to look at myself, I had to say, what are my strengths, what are my weaknesses?
And like, I really had to start there. Because I can have these weaknesses that I'm working on that hold me back that keep me from taking action. Sometimes these old stories are old beliefs. And so I think a big thing for me was sitting down and saying, okay, what are the things that I've learned over the course of my years in business that hold me back that keep me stuck?
You know, what are those things? Cause I want to face those head on and start really working through those so that I can make this business into what I really want it to be. Not just what, um, my primitive brain lets me let it be, you know? So I really had to look at that first and really do that self assessment of like, okay, now you know this about yourself.
You know, it's hard for you to share your story on social media. You know, it's hard for you to do workshops. To do any sort of group coaching. Like I had, I had all these fears in my head, these stories that I built up. So I think that was like, the first step was looking at what are those things that I'm bringing forward that are not going to serve me in this new business.
And let's look at those and see how we can still keep working, but work on those at the same time. Right? Like I can't. Wait, so everything's perfect. I need to go with this business, but I also want to work on these things. So that was really helpful for me to then get that momentum. And then I think kind of what you mentioned when I start taking action, even if it's not the most perfect action, I noticed that I get that like momentum and I feel more confident building as I go.
So I've told myself like, you know, I'm just going to go like, I know once I go, things will start happening. I'll start talking to more people. I'll start sharing my story and I'll learn new things. So I think it's just sitting still. I've told myself that when I sit still and when I'm in my comfort zone in all parts of my life, really not just business, but like personal health, family relationships, when I get too comfortable and it's too mundane every day, I'm not growing.
I'm not evolving. I'm not. Changing in ways that could help me in all the areas of my life. So I think, you know, looking at what, you know, your strengths and weaknesses are in a comforting way, not a judgmental way and say, how can I use these to my benefit? How can I work on the things I need to, and then what are some things I can do today to just take action because that momentum is usually what gets me going and just feeling more confident as I go.
It's never going to all be perfect.
Debbie: I'm thinking about actions that people take and how often we think, well, we're so busy. I remember thinking I was so busy and so many of the actions that I actually was taking, um, were fruitless actions. You know, they were what we would call buffering. It was like watching one more video or.
Like looking around to see what everyone else was doing, which is again what the niching down really helps. You don't look to see what anybody else is doing. So what actions would you say that you have taken or are taking? What are the things that are going to help you long term in your business?
Carisa: You know, I have to give credit to the roadmap that you have, because I think that was one of the things when I came to you, I was like, like, I know I can take action, but like, I just, even though I've been in business, like, I don't know the way to create a coaching business.
I don't know that. Right. I knew what I knew before, and that may not serve me in this. So it was like having that roadmap laid out in front of me gave me that comfort of like, okay. I just have to follow these steps. I mean, how simple could it be? Right? Yes. Some of those steps are hard and they're uncomfortable because maybe you don't know, or it's new, but like, it's right in front of you.
This isn't like, it's taking all the guesswork out of it. These are the steps that you need to do. So I noticed just like watching the videos and checking off the things as I went, it was like, you just feel that accomplishment and you start to feel stronger. You start to feel more for it. Like a coach working on her business.
So that was really helpful for me to have that. And then the biggest things that helped me was refining that niche, getting my marketing copy, updating my website, feeling authentic. Like this is who I authentically am now. I no longer like hiding behind something generic. This is me. And then, oh gosh, developing my own roadmap for my clients.
Was such a huge piece for me because I was like, what was the path I went on? How long did it take me to work with a coach when I felt my life start to change? And I went back and looked at that. And then I looked at clients that I'd worked with and it really lined up nicely. And so following your process and creating my own compass, I called it my own transformation compass.
It's nine steps. And when I used that on my first consultation call, I mean, honestly, I felt like a different coach had showed up. It was crazy. I was like, just from this one document that I created, like it just catapulted me in that way that I felt the confidence they had to show up with my coaching.
So I feel like those actions were huge in getting me to move to that next level, to be able to tell the story of what it is I do, because I started thinking, I'm like, I'm making it too hard for people to work with me. I've created this sort of little comfort zone that I'm in. But I'm not really able to help the mom.
So, you know, what, what am I doing this for? That was my whole mission. Honestly, it was about helping mom. So those few pieces were huge and getting me to like, push myself to that next level. And it just all came together so beautifully that I want to keep going. Have there been struggles? Yes. There are always struggles.
Debbie: He's talking about creating her signature process or signature method for Getting her clients, the result that she talks about in her marketing message. And that is, it is a super fun experience to realize. You're not delivering the same certification method that you had. You're actually creating a process like you said, that actually gets your clients to the result of a very well thought out process that you then can confidently talk about on consultation calls.
You can talk about your marketing and then, you know, you do private coaching and you still know that there's a path that you're following with your clients to get them to where they want to go. So. Absolutely. That was huge. Super fun. Okay. I want to talk about the coaching support that we have.
That is one of the actions that maybe you're not thinking about that you did, but I thought has been fantastic. You've shown up in the Facebook group, you know, sometimes we say Facebook group and we talk about group coaching. The first thought that people have is like, there's hundreds of people and how are you going to know me?
And how are you going to help me? They've got a big story about how it is. And I understand because I too have been in. Coaching programs where there were thousands, hundreds of faces, 50, 60, 75 faces on the zoom screen. Ours is not like that. Everybody is there. Everybody gets helped every session. But 1 thing that you've been so good about is you do utilize the Facebook group.
We're available there 7 days a week to answer questions. To give you your next step and that is such a plus probably that I don't talk about enough that you really do have support 7 days a week. It's not just when you come to coaching. So I want to commend you for being in the Facebook group and for sharing what you have done and for asking questions there and then coming to coaching prepared.
Do you want to talk about our coaching?
Carisa: Yeah, I was a little nervous too. I was like, Oh, you know, I don't know these people, you know, you got to share, you know, and you're comparing like, are they farther along than me? Or I don't want to make anyone feel bad if I'm like, I had all that mind drama about it.
And I was just like, you know, we're all in different places in our journey, but very quickly, like after the first few group calls where you get to see the faces and everyone is so kind and welcoming and supportive, no matter where we are in our journey, I felt very comfortable with this. And then I did have to.
Like, I noticed I was super involved in the beginning and then I started to drop off and then I was like, feeling frustrated and I'm like, okay, well, you haven't been engaging in the tools that are laid out ahead of you, right? Like, why aren't you doing that? So that's where that self coaching comes in of like, why aren't you taking advantage of this outlet and this opportunity?
And then I kind of nudged myself to go back and do that. And then I experienced something positive from that. And I think now I'm kind of in a groove of like, It's not that I don't know what to do. There's just something blocking me from going and posting this or sharing this or asking this question.
And I think what has also helped is seeing every time someone asks something, like, even if I'm not there yet, it's I tuck it away in my mind. And like, I remember that or I make a note of that. And so no matter where anyone is on their journey. I think it's kind of been helping me with that future version of myself.
I may not be there yet, but I know I will be. So I'm going to tuck this away. Right. I'm also forming relationships with people that I believe will last beyond this, you know, experience of working with you. And I think that's awesome to have a group of peers that you can form a connection with. So it has just been so welcoming, so comfortable.
And I think that like, you know, when I was in my peer group, some people were afraid to share their details about their business, but we were from all over the country. And it was like, what am I afraid of sharing? Right. I think that's just a mindset we get into like, Oh, I'm embarrassed to share. I don't want to share.
I think being honest and sharing where you are is so freeing because then you only have. Forward to go, right? Like, you can't really go backwards. Once you are honest and share what you're struggling with or what's holding you back, because there's probably someone out there that is going to have been in that position or has some thoughts about it that can help keep you from feeling stuck inside your own mind.
So hope that answers your question. But it's just been. Very comfortable for me, but I also noticed I was pausing on sharing and I'm like, why? It's a private group. I see all the women that are in it. I've met most of them. Like, let's go. Let's share what's holding me back. That's the purpose of this so that we can all move forward in our own way.
Right? It doesn't have to look like anyone else's.
Debbie: I think one of the other things people think is, well, what if I'm further along than the other people? And of course that happens because everybody's at different places. But what I find is that when somebody who's You've passed that step and they're asking a question when you're past that step, you actually hear it in a different way.
And you're like, okay, I kind of get that a little bit deeper. Now, what Debbie said again, what she said this time, I heard it. And now I'm thinking about how that applies to me at where I'm at today versus where I was then.
Carisa: Don't you kind of want that? You want people who are ahead of you, people who may be behind you.
You can offer them support, which feels so rewarding. You can see where others have gone. Like, I think that's what you actually want. You know, you want to feel that little bit of variety in the group that you're in because it pushes you or it makes you feel like you're moving along. So I think it's actually a beautiful thing.
Um, and that's, I don't think you'd want it, you know, to be lopsided one way or the other or to really feel like there's nowhere for you to go and grow in this group. Like, I think that's a natural progression that you want in something like this. You want to feel nudged. But you also want to feel like you're making progress and I think it has that way of doing that beautifully.
Debbie: I'll tell y'all what I told Carisa before we started was, is that I think that she's going to be one of my most successful coaches ever that's worked with me. And I'll tell you one of the reasons why, first of all, she's amazing. Okay. Let's say that. But you know, you're willing to do the work and you're willing to take action, but also she coaches herself.
So we are getting ready. I've teased about this a little bit. We're going to do an eight week business mindset, self coaching course. It's going to be separate from our regular program because I think that that's really the key to long term business success. You have to know how to set up the email, write the email, do the social media, and have your marketing message.
Do you want to talk about the self coaching and what you feel like that's done for you? Cause you just explained how you caught yourself and you coached yourself and you came back.
Carisa: Yeah, I just can't say enough about it. I just think like, I think Brooke Castillo said this and I've heard you say it. Like, I think we all should have a coach.
Like, I really, really do because there are things we want in our life that we just settle and we don't go after it and we get stuck and, um, it has been huge for helping me bust through all of those barriers and I've had to do it in this because I had so much Baggage and thoughts and everything from my former life that like was just coming along with me.
It's like your friend and it's just coming along for the ride with you. And it's like, wait a minute, like I really have to rethink everything about how I look at my business, how I feel about it. Um, so literally I have been able to get into the groove of an everyday practice. I start in the morning, right?
I get up a little earlier and that first like Two hours really is for me. It's doing my workouts. It's doing my mental workouts. It's journaling. It's looking at the troubling thoughts that are in my head that are not serving me because they're there. Like I wake up every day and it's like, who do you think you are?
Like, where does this come from? Like I've shown evidence. I'm good at this. Like, where is this coming from? But to be able to look at that and like, Not just sit with it and say, okay, I see you, I know where you're coming from, but like, these are the facts. This is the truth. So, yeah, I do a lot of journaling. I look at those troubling thoughts.
I do, you know, thought models. I work to generate what energy I need in my body today to go do what I was going to do. I mean, honestly, to be very transparent today, I had some things in my head that were like, I wanted to tell you, let's reschedule this and I was like, no, you know, no, I'm not going to let this overtake the plan that I have for today.
I'm going to look at this and I'm going to work through this, but this is what I also have going on. Right? It's like everything happening in tandem. I have things I need to accomplish. And I have this brain that goes with me everywhere, and I really have to be working on that. So I just can't emphasize enough to find your own self coaching practice, whatever that looks like.
I mean, when I'm really feeling stuff, sometimes I have to take a break in the middle of the day. I go for a 20 minute walk and I maybe write down some things that are troubling me. Like, but that's what keeps me. The way I like to say it is I open up space in my brain for this other work that is so important to me or for my family.
That's important to me. Like I have to open up space for that. And when it's all cluttered with a lot of this negativity and, you know, self sabotage, like I have to work on clearing that out or I won't be able to show up as the coach. I want to be the mom. I want to be the person I want to be to myself.
So it's huge. I don't think I can, I can't go without it. I can't. Be the person that I am making the difference in the world that I am trying to make a difference in my own family if I don't do this work with myself every day. And I think I realized at some point, like this is going to be a part of my everyday life, but you know what?
I love it because I'm not getting stuck behind barriers anymore. I'm not feeling like a victim, which was very much how I used to feel. Nothing's working right for me. Nothing's happening right for me. I feel so empowered now. To go turn to all my coaching tools that I know so well and change my reality.
You know, even when things aren't going the way you want, there's still a way that you can own that and find a path through it without being so mean and unkind to yourself in the process. So. Yeah, find your own self coaching practice.
Debbie: Yeah, I'm thinking about the marketing that you do and the results that you create in your business.
And it's like a roller coaster. I mean, you jumped, you got in, worked with us, you already had business. So you were already doing super great. And then you attracted a bunch of clients. And then there was a little flat period and your brain kicked in like, nothing's working. It's not working. Carisa, you, you're not doing this right.
I think not being able to, uh, if you didn't know how to coach yourself, because that is the ebb and flow of business. I call it the roller coaster effect. I mean, it's going to be there. It'd be perfect. Um, at the life coach school, we talk about the 50, 50, and that is literally exactly the way it is. 50 percent of the time it's going great.
And then you do have this bottom out time. And if you can't keep yourself committed to your why, which for you, it's big, it's the moms and you know, moving through that period where it's not going exactly the way you hoped, or maybe you're not as inspired and yeah, self coaching is the thing that gets you to the other side of that.
Absolutely. Yeah, so good. Um, let's talk about hesitations. You mentioned group coaching. It sounds like, you know, you had some hesitations. You figured out that that wasn't a problem once you came, but. What else was there maybe about working in the business building boutique? Was there anything that came up for you?
Carisa: For me, one of the things that I know about myself is money scarcity. I have had it since being a child. I know where it came from and I've done so much work on it, but it always is there. It's like that little friend that just keeps showing up and I'm like, you know what, I know that I have more to offer and I know that I need.
A process, a proven process that will work to get me to that next level that I want to go. And so I think that was a big hesitation for me, like getting stuck on that 1 element and not looking at the big picture of what this is going to do for my life, for my family, for myself, you know, for me. I've heard you say this and it resonated with me.
Time and money freedom is what I wanted, right? And that is what is guiding me. And so it's like, I know that I have pockets of information I'm missing and to be able to get good quality information because we can find everything on the internet or something really inexpensive, but like to really have the full package of somebody that's going to help take you from here to here.
There's going to be a cost associated with that. So I really had to look at that money scarcity and get real with myself about this and make honest decisions, right? It's the same thing with time. I never have time. I never have time. Well, you can get into the same thing of like, I never have money. I never have money.
And I think that that can really hold you back. Like both of those do not have to be true. For you, you can relook at that and reassess and make different decisions to create what really is important for you and where you need to go. So I know that my business will grow with this decision that I've made, but that was, that was one for me, right?
It was hard for me to make that decision for myself.
Debbie: I just want to say for those of you who have consultation calls and somebody tells you something like that, right? They give you that as You know, she had a hesitation about money and she needed to think about it. She talked with her husband and all that you as the person who's having the consultation can flip out and think this is a problem.
Or you can say, of course you have to think about it. I respect that. I understand. Is there anything I can do to help you feel comfortable with your conversation that you're going to have with your, you know, your husband? And what could I do to help you feel more confident in it? And you know, with Carisa, I don't think you came back the same day and said, yes.
But it wasn't a problem.
Carisa: I think it was. Yeah. One to two days. I think I took it to contemplate. Yeah. Yeah.
Debbie: So, I mean, that's another little takeaway that I'm always reminding people, like people don't have to decide on your timeline. You can be confident. And I was confident that I want people who feel, I know it's scary.
It's hard to spend money, especially when you spent money and didn't get what you wanted out of it. It's hard to spend money and hard to trust. So, and I think
Carisa: You actually want that because then, you know, they're more committed to the process. Right. I think if we do make very hurried decisions. We might just be wanting it all to come very easily, right?
So I think it is good to have that contemplation time and we can look at it that way. I know that they're taking the time they need because they want to really be committed to this once they say yes.
Debbie: And that's a win for both of us. For me as a coach to have somebody who is doing the work and who's in it, I'm so much more satisfied just as you are.
And you're exactly right. There are clients. Who spend a lot of money who don't show up and I am literally like week after week, like we'll reach out, we'll reach out and then it's like, really, you invested in this coaching and you're, we're trying to help you through mindset or whatever it is to see what it is first.
But at some point it's like either you're in to help you build your business or you're not. So they'll always be clients like that. Well, we're going to have to wrap up. I want to ask you just out of curiosity, like if I run into you a year from now, Carisa at a coffee shop, hopefully it's in an event in person and your business has unfolded in the most beautiful, magical way.
Can you tell me where you would be, let me rephrase that where I'm
Carisa: going to be, I would, I would love to be fully booked with my schedule. Right. That I've chosen that how busy I want to be with working with moms. I would love to be telling my story on a bigger platform because I do feel like that.
Sometimes that feeling alone on an island is not a great feeling. So I'd love to be telling my story on a bigger scale and really help make a difference with moms who are feeling ashamed of maybe where they find themselves in their life. And, um, just honestly, for me, the phase of life I'm in, like it's, it's growing a business that I'm proud of.
It's putting work out into the world that I'm proud of and, you know, realizing. How much I was actually capable of, you know, for me. So I see myself getting there and I don't have a lot of stress about how long it takes me. I really don't. I'm like, it will happen when it needs to happen. And as long as I keep taking the steps, I can see myself at that place.
Right. I keep telling myself you're in this for the long game, Carisa. It's not a short game. Like this is your, this is your final career. Right. My second career, my final career of my life, and I'm going to just keep pushing forward. So hopefully I'm connecting with, I'm transforming mom's lives on a bigger scale, um, in ways that I, um, maybe only dreamed about.
Debbie: Okay. That's so much fun. All right. Tell everybody, we'll put this in the show notes, but tell everybody how they can connect with you. Um, so if there's a mom out there, he's got, look, we all have challenges as moms. So if you're a mom and you want to learn how to make not only family relationships amazing, but also your own life, just take it to the next level. Tell them how they can connect with you.
Carisa: Yeah. I mean, to learn a little bit more about who I am, check out my website, which is lifecoachingwithcarisa.com. I am also active on Facebook and Instagram. So you can find me there life coaching with Carisa. And I also have a YouTube library of videos that I have been recording for two years now.
And so I put that out there to let people get to know who I am, what I'm all about. So you can check those videos out on YouTube as well under life coaching with Carisa. And, um, I just want to help people in any way that I can. So I'm just, I'm active in a lot of different channels.
Debbie: Okay. Thank you so much, Carisa.
Have an amazing day. We'll see you in a couple of minutes on the next coaching call. Do not forget to sign up for our workshop on April 5th, debbieshadid.com/workshop. And we'll talk about creating a marketing plan for you. Have an amazing day, Carisa. Thanks again. We'll see y'all very soon. Thank you.
Outro: Okay, ladies, that is it for today. Before we go, I want to invite you to head over to debbieshadid.com. I have this incredible Canva training, specifically designed for life coaches where I'm gonna teach you how to use Canva to create beautiful graphics to market your life coaching. All right. Have an amazing week. I'll talk to you very soon. Bye bye.