Ep 243 - Marketing Tips for Life Coaches: How To Sell Low-Ticket and High-Ticket Offers


Your sales and marketing strategy for your high-ticket offer should NOT be the same strategy for your low-ticket offer. 

In this episode, I’m pulling back the curtain on the marketing strategies and sales techniques you need to confidently sell both low-ticket and high-ticket offers. From understanding the mindset of your buyers to crafting marketing messages that resonate, you’ll discover the key differences in how to approach these two types of offers—and how to excel at both.

I’ll walk you through the proven strategies that help coaches like you attract the right clients, whether it’s through scalable, low-cost options or premium, done-for-you experiences. You’ll learn how to build trust, create compelling messaging, and structure your marketing to align with your goals—all while keeping it simple and effective.

If you’re ready to boost your confidence, close more sales, and serve your clients like never before, tune in now!

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when I say she has built an unbelievable business, wow, she had an opportunity to go do a speaking event and we were able to work together and that set her up for huge success. And she already has several of her own VIP clients. And I'm talking about this has only been 90 days.

I would guess that she probably will have a six figure year next year. And she just literally started her business.

Hello, I'm Debbie Shadid, the host of the Life Coach Business Building Podcast. If you are ready to have more clients in your life coach business, then you're in the right spot. Each week, I'm going to teach you super simple strategies to grow your business without feeling overwhelmed and without spending money on paid ads.

Now, if that sounds interesting, stick around and let's get started.

Hi there. How are you? I hope you're having an amazing day and amazing week. Last week's podcast was all about offers. I talked to you guys about how you decide what your clients might want. Like, what will people buy? Then I also talked to you about what it is you might want to deliver. And I shared a little bit about my journey through my offers and kind of what we're up to.

I mentioned to you guys, and I'm excited to share today about our elite coaching experience. And I also want to talk to about marketing. What kind of marketing is involved dependent on the kind of offer that you have? I know you're probably thinking like, wait a minute, what do you mean different marketing for different offers?

Yes. I'm going to start out first talking to you about our newest offer. And again, let me share these details with you, not so that I'm bragging on what we've created, but so that you can see an example of what it is you could create. And you'll begin to see as I share, like, okay, I see. See what I could do for myself and kind of how the offers work.

As I mentioned last week, we have three ways that you can work with us right now. What I will call the DIY version of a life coach business building school. Then we have our middle level, which is our flagship program, the VIP coaching experience. And then we have our newest level, which is the elite. Okay.

Everybody that works with me. All the women that work with me, they all log into the exact same place. So everybody accesses the exact same framework, saving them hundreds of hours, going through a very proven, very tested, you know, a process that we know works. We're talking about 200, 250 people that have gone through that process.

So we know that it works. What I did this last fall was I thought, you know what? I haven't been doing private coaching for a long time. And actually I saw a client that we were working with that had a huge opportunity to do something very unique. And I thought I'm going to reach out to her and just see if she wants some additional help beyond what we offered in the VIP.

I said, look, I can see that I could meet with you two or three times. And based on the expertise that I have, I can get you in shape for this opportunity that is ahead of you. And I, I mean, I think I can make it so this thing will really pan out. So I reached out to her, sent her a message and said, this is what I think would work for you.

Are you open to the idea? Again, it was private coaching. I hadn't done any private coaching in 2024 and I swore I wasn't going to do any more at all. But after I saw that opportunity with this particular client, I was like, you know what? I need to reach out to her and from there, I am telling you what, when I say she has built an unbelievable business, wow, she had an opportunity to go do a speaking event.

I'm hoping to get her on the podcast. Her name is Lori and she does. Support for people who have been laid off and they're in like, let's say the second half of their life. Anyway, she has had an opportunity to do a speaking event and we were able to work together. I wrote her marketing message. We helped her with her freebie.

We helped her with her branding, updating her website. I mean everything and that set her up for huge success and she already has several of her own VIP clients. And I'm talking about been, I would say maybe 90 days total since the very first time I talked to her about it. Um, and she's in phenomenal shape.

In fact, I would guess that she probably will have a six figure year next year and she just literally started her business. So that's what happens when you have a woman. What we're now calling our elite experience. I'll tell you two or three other people that have been part of this as well, who have said, yeah, I want you to have done for you.

I want that to just get my business built, help me get clarity. Maybe it's around niche. We have a niche defining session. Then we have a marketing message creation session, and then I go write your marketing message for you. And I don't know if you guys know this, but As a reminder, I've been writing marketing copy for over two decades.

So that is really something that I do great. So I do that. Plus our elite clients have access to our team. So whether they needed a brand new website built, whether they needed an update to a website, brand creation, or a brand build out, we do all of that. That's all part of the elite service. We set up all the tech.

Which is sometimes people are like wanting to scream and pull their hair out over tech. We just set it all up. Plus we create all of their advertising materials for them. So like we rebrand into their brand colors, all the social media, email signatures, everything, presentation slides, all of that is done in our elite.

And you guys, we do all of that in less than 30 days. So that is why It really is the most effective way that I've ever worked with anyone. And then on the backside of all that work that we do in the first 30 days, which for the person who has bought the elite, they just basically sit back. They meet with me maybe three times and we do all the rest.

They meet with me maybe three times with our branding person, our website person, maybe a couple of times and we do all the rest. So it's actually very easy. for the person who bought the elite program. They're just basically meeting with us and we take over from there. Then what they do is they move into our VIP coaching experience, so they spend then a total of six months with us where we have the opportunity once their business is built to be able to then go through step by step like, okay, this is what's happened, this is what you do next, right?

It all becomes about strategy. strategy then while our other VIP clients are getting that handholding experience, but they're really building the business kind of on their own, the elite people, they have it done. So what I want you to do is consider what would an elite Kind of situation look like for you now.

It doesn't matter what niche you're in I promise you if we sat down together and we had a conversation about Your niche I could come up with three different levels of offers You know, mine is the DIY the hand holding which is the VIP and the elite which is the done for you for you. Okay, so I could come up with something like that for you because I help people design offers all the time.

So if you're saying this isn't me, it's just Debbie because she does business coaching, you're wrong. All of the people that I'm talking about, the five or six people that we have done this private coaching with this fall, they all have offers that are similar to this and none of them are business coaches.

They are all different types of coaches. They have the same sort of staggered offers, which means that they're able to serve a lot of people in a lot of different ways. So there you go. There's the elite VIP kind of combo elite, which is the done for you. And then you move into our VIP coaching experience.

If you want to do this, I'll just tell you this. We take two clients a month. That's because we just. Basically infuse any additional time and resources that we have, putting our team on your website, on your branding, on creating these advertising materials, setting up your tech, all of that. And then I am doing basically all the marketing message creation.

So we can only take two of those clients per month. So if you want that, girl, you better get on my schedule, debbieshadid.com/apply. All right, moving on. Let's talk about the marketing for these types of offers. And I bet you've never thought about the fact that the marketing is different.

Again, I'm going to kind of go through this at a high level because I now realize that this could be an entire podcast. And so maybe next week I can do that where I go into a deeper dive into marketing that is required for the different types of offers. What I will say is that most of us think that if we have a low priced offer it will automatically sell.

And I'm just going to tell you that's not true. You guys know that we have created micro offers where we have a niche course, which is the niche blueprint where we help you find a profitable niche. We also have a signature offer process. that we have in a microcourse. We have our social media confidence collection.

We have our tech and marketing for coaches where we do the tech training that is necessary for all of the tech that you need for a business up to 100, 000. So we have a bunch of different microcourses. You can actually start working with this as low as 37. And what I want to say is, you guys, the marketing required for a 37 thing.

is actually probably more marketing than it is for me to sell one elite person. Yeah, I know that's hard to believe, but the volume of buyers that I have to have at 37, you can imagine it's a lot of people. If you guys will just do the math, you know, to get to 10, 000 sale in 37 or 10, 000 revenue. How many do I have to sell?

A lot, a lot, a lot. And you don't just sell people that encounter you. It's like how many people need to see the 37 deal before they will buy it. So again, it doesn't necessarily mean because it's a low price that people will just trust you. There is impulse buyers, but still people are sensitive to how they spend their money and you still have to sell them on the opportunity.

Now high ticket offers or I don't know, mid range offers and your high ticket offer could be a thousand dollars, right? Your low ticket offer could be 37, your high ticket could be a thousand and somebody else's high ticket might be 20, 000. Actually, my own business coach right now, her kind of basic offer is 30, 000, right?

So, I mean, there's a whole range of what high ticket and low ticket is to you. But what I can say is that high ticket offers, What they do require is more like relationship selling. They require you spending time on consultations, right? Maybe meeting with them more than once. Helping them trust you by showing them.

Like we show websites that we've created. We show branding that we've done. We tell stories about what's happened for people. In fact, The last person who purchased our elite coaching opportunity, which was just a couple weeks ago, she actually, and I don't know if she actually talked to people, but I gave her three of the people who have most recently worked with me in the elite.

I gave them all their contact information. I said, look, just go talk to them directly and make sure that you feel comfortable saying yes to this opportunity with us. So that's the kind of selling that might be required for you to do when you are selling a higher ticket. And again, I don't mean like 10, 000 because your high ticket might be 1, 000, but it just means that you've got to work a little bit more intimately with people.

Now, you also might have to more. Like, I have to spend more time talking to you potentially about why you need me to write your marketing message and what the difference between my marketing message creation and you know, somebody on Fiverr is or somebody, you know, some regular standard copywriter. I'm trained at this and I know what coach language is.

I know how to write it in a very straightforward way. Straightforward, simple way for people to understand, not just understand, but for them to be emotionally driven to buy. So that's kind of the difference when it comes to your marketing. Again, the lower ticket, you need more people. You need a larger audience, a higher ticket.

You can use a smaller audience. With the microcourses, you're going to have to have multiple email sequences. Probably you're going to have to have ads. When it comes to the higher ticket, you're going to have fewer emails, but they're going to be more in depth. Again, you're going to have sales calls with those people.

With the micro courses, it wouldn't pay to have a sales call with them. You're going to have to have a lot of content. You're going to have to be in a lot of places. Doing a lot of things when it comes to high ticket, you can be more focused, a more focused effort in your marketing, more specific. You can almost go look for your people when it comes to high ticket or again, whatever that's going to be for you, the more handholding experience.

You can almost go look for those people like in Facebook groups or, you know, through your social media connections or in networking, you can go pinpoint and find those people. So that's the difference between the marketing. I will go into a much deeper overview of what it actually takes, you know, kind of giving you some examples, you know, at a deeper level of what it takes to do the courses versus the higher ticket coaching.

The main thing I want you guys to know is. We have this idea that if we have a membership or if we have this passive course up for sale, like it's not going to take work and it actually takes more work. Both of those things actually take more work. The price has nothing to do with it. People will not just buy because it's affordable.

So I want to encourage you to actually Create something that you could give to people to get to know you, not even sell, but give to people to get to know you. And then I would say you should work towards selling something at a little bit higher price. You know, some day when you have a big audience and you have, you know, a big email list, then create this passive, if there is such a thing, micro course or those kind of things that you sell at a lower ticket.

Because you really do need to have funnels. to get people funneled from there up to the higher ticket, which is where you're really going to make your, you know, where you're really going to make a difference in your income and also you won't be working as hard. So that's a summary of what it looks like.

For those of you guys, let me just recap again. It would be my honor to coach you in the elite coaching experience. If you are somebody who's like, look, I just want somebody else to do it and I also want to get my business built fast. We need to have a conversation because I'm blown away at the results.

that these clients are having with this intensive support from us. It just frees them up to not have to make decisions about that, to not be overwhelmed about the tech, to not get stuck, right? They can make fast progress. They're excited and they're just on fire. So you guys have an amazing day. Make sure you get on my calendar is the only way to talk to me about the elite coaching experience.

debbiechad. com forward slash elite coaching. Apply. And if you want to buy one of my amazing microcourses, if I do say so myself, if you want to get a niche course, or if you want to learn about offers or all of the other things that we provide in our small courses where you can get a taste of what we're doing, go to debbieshadid.com/links and you can find everything there. All right, you guys have a beautiful, amazing day. Get committed, get to work and let's do it. All right, you guys talk to you soon. Bye, bye.

Okay, ladies, that is it for today. Before we go, I want to invite you to head over to debbieshdadid.Com. I have this incredible Canva training specifically designed for life coaches where I'm going to teach you how to use Canva to create beautiful graphics to market your life coaching business. All right, have an amazing week.

I'll talk to you very soon. Bye bye.