Ep 245 - Two Coaches, Two Different Programs, and One Proven Framework That Led to Incredible Results: A Client Conversation with Lori Lawrence and Jenny Pena


In today’s episode, I had the pleasure of welcoming two go-getter coaches who truly embodies what it means to take consistent action and show up authentically in their businesses.

Lori Lawrence is the CEO and Founder of Next Chapter Career Coaching where she helps mid to later-stage professionals navigate career transitions with confidence and purpose.Through my done-for-you Elite Coaching Program, Lori transformed her coaching business in under 90 days. Since then, she’s built a thriving coaching practice, expanded her online community, and generated an impressive $20,000 in sales!

Next, we have Jenny Pena, a Diabetes Prevention and Prediabetes Health Coach. Jenny helps men and women lower their A1C, balance their blood sugar, and prevent diabetes. After years of trying to DIY her business without results, Jenny finally gained traction using the proven framework inside the Life Coach Business School. Her journey highlights how the right guidance and tools can help you build a business with clarity and confidence.

Be sure to tune is so you can hear all about how Lori and Jenny embraced their unique programs, leveraged their strengths, and achieved phenomenal breakthroughs. These stories illustrate the power of tailored support, actionable frameworks, and the courage to take the next step—no matter how small. So grab your notebook, tune in, and let their journeys inspire you to take action in your own business today!

Connect with Lori Lawrence 



Connect with Jenny Pena



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Well, hello. I am so glad to be here today with two of my favorite go getters. You know, I love sharing success stories and I'd love introducing clients to you and helping them inspire you to take some action. So first let me introduce you to Lori.

Lori, do you want to introduce yourself? Tell us. Kind of who you serve and what you do.

Absolutely, dad. Thanks so much. So happy to be here.

My name is Lori Lawrence, and I'm the founder and CEO of Next Chapter Career Coaching. And so I serve, job seekers that are in the mid. To later stages of their professional career.

These are very tenured accomplished professionals that are right now because the job market is incredibly competitive and incredibly brutal and it is very different than it was five years ago. And so I serve them with a very succinct job search strategy.

That's awesome. I know I can hardly wait to share more about what you do because it's beautiful.

Do you want to share before we get started? I don't want to be too heavy at the very beginning. Y'all stay with us. We're going to talk about all kinds of exciting things, but so many women come with a real passion and a purpose. And I know actually both of you guys have a story about what brought you to coaching, but Do you want to share a little bit in whatever way you feel comfortable about what brought you to coaching,

Absolutely. So after 30 plus years in corporate America, I spent a lot of time, as a high level executive myself in multiple companies, you know, we all went through a period of time in the pandemic.

I myself. Went through a couple of different layoffs. I bounced back, went, you know, back into it. And, August of 23, my younger brother, who is also was in technology, he came to me and said that he had gone through a workforce reduction, a layoff, never experienced. This had been with the same company for 19 years.

And so he came out of it thinking. All he needed to do was get his resume updated and hand it to a few people and he'd have a job. Well, unfortunately, market, everything, our landscape has changed so incredibly. And so he really struggled for a couple of months. I helped him. I was focused on my work and my daughter helped him.

She was focused on her work. And lo and behold, as a family, we didn't realize that. This was kind of a tipping point in already a very dark place for him and in October of 2023, his mantra was I'm too young to retire too old to start over. And he kept kind of spiraling downward and unfortunately, he took his own life in October of 23.

which led me to very quickly manage his affairs. And then I got laid off in January of 24. And so I took a step back and I realized that the universe was guiding me in a direction in which I had more than ample experience, which was guiding professionals. Like my brother who were completely lost and just unaware what they were entering into.

And I stepped into career coaching very, very quickly. I'm now, you know, moving forward and I feel like I truly am honoring my brother. And I'm honoring his memory and I'm helping so many others that are in a struggle, but are finding success. So that is a little bit about my story, Deb.

Yeah, it's beautiful. Of course, I know that. And it's heartbreaking. And yet there's a rainbow in there. So thank you, Laurie, for the work that you do. All right, I want to introduce you to one of our next clients who also is a go getter. Jenny, you want to introduce what you do and kind of a little bit about your business too.

Absolutely. Thank you so much for having me here. My name is Jenny Pena. I am a national board certified health coach, I help busy professionals, men and women that are trying to balance their blood sugar, prevent diabetes, and they don't know where to start. They're overwhelmed. They're trying to figure out how to navigate.

All the information that comes at them and where to start. I found that passion because I experienced that being in corporate America being actually diagnosed with prediabetes when I was in my twenties, that is extremely young for like the usual time in which people get diagnosed and not really knowing what to do.

And just hearing from a doctor. Well, you just need to eat better and lose some weight. That's pretty much the two instructions. And that created a path in which I started looking into what can I do for my own health? And while I like what I do, and I am a full time corporate America worker in finance, I found a passion in health coaching.

And knowing the statistics, and knowing how one in three Americans have prediabetes, And 80 percent don't have any idea of it. That created a little bit of a fire in me. And I just have a passion to coach people and to bring awareness. And that's kind of like how I started with my own journey. And now that's what I love to do best.

Beautiful, beautiful. all right. So both of these ladies actually came to work with us in the Life Coach Business Building School. And as all of y'all know, we have different ways that you can work with us kind of under that one umbrella. Lori, I'll have her start first. She actually started in our Elite, our Done For You, VIP coaching experience and is part of the VIP coaching program as well.

So Lori, tell me what inspired you to join that particular program and kind of What's been happening for you in the VIP coaching experience and also what we did for you kind of privately?

So it was interesting as I started my journey in career coaching and and started feeding the world, you know this is where I have transitioned from my old corporate position and In moving into a career coaching role.

I very quickly realized it Yes, I was very aware on how to coach and what I needed to do to coach, but the business side of it, even though I had been in enterprise sales, in the health care industry for a number of years, I had no clue in the world. About digital marketing, social media marketing, how to create a website, how to create leads, because in my old world, that was all a part of what I did.

I mean, what was given to me, and then I just went in and did what my job was, which was selling into large corporate accounts. So moving into this world. you know, as I was putting it out in the universe that I was becoming a career coach, a contact of mine introduced me to the Indeed Job Search Academy.

They invited me to become a part of a panel called Success and Satisfaction in the Later Stages of Your Career. And this was set November 7th. I panicked, Deb, and I very quickly went out there because my thing was, this was, I needed all of the tools to set up my business, and I found you through your Canva for life coaching, took that free one hour workshop and went out there and set up Okay, this is what I have to have.

These are all of the little tools and nuances that I need to have to be able to create my business. Well, after talking with you and your staff, I realized they could, and this was a requirement before I even had my team call, I had to have a website. I had to have marketing brochures that I could leave behind the audience that was attending.

I didn't have any of these. And so I very quickly worked with your team. They helped me put together a website. Obviously, I participated in this process as well. you built brochures for me, all different types of social media promotion devices, which again, I wanted to be a part of because it's my voice.

But you provided the entire framework along with all of the VIP pieces that I got through the coaching process that has led me to, and I'm not going to say instant success, but it launched my business from zero to 1000 just like that, just like that.

So had the webinar in November, took on 3 brand new VIP clients, as well as conducted a workshop and a looked at my numbers with my accountant, because now I have to have an accountant, 20, 000.

in revenue to my bottom line. Absolutely incredible. I didn't even know that until I pulled everything together. and now I'm, I'm on the same trajectory for January, exactly the same So

yeah. Oh, wow. So just literally from the time of the event, which was. November, then we had Thanksgiving.

We also had the Christmas holiday. You generated 20 grand in your business. That's so phenomenal. I just want to tell y'all that, Lori was actually our first elite client. What happened was she was in our VIP coaching I kept hearing what she was doing and I had kind of sworn off private coaching, at the beginning of 2024.

And I was like, Wow. I need to help her because we have really phenomenal coaching sessions where everybody's getting helped, but like, she's got a huge opportunity in front of her and I want to make sure I help her get out there in the very best way and in a very short amount of time.

So I actually created the elite program, which I'm super excited about now and came to you and said, look, I think we need to build your website. Let me write your marketing message. we need to be helping you with the brochures. Like you've got it. You're a go getter, but like, this is a big deal that you have coming before you.

I am so grateful because as it turns out, I forgot how much I love doing that stuff. you were the first person I got to do it again with. just so everybody knows, we do all of that. But she's also in our VIP coaching experience. So she's also coming every week to get coaching.

She's in our Facebook group. So you're getting ongoing support in addition to having, uh, your website built, your branding done, your messaging done, all of those, fun things. So what did you find was the biggest takeaway of what we're not done working together, but of the work that you're doing with us.

Oh, my gosh, just again, getting organized. I was a little bit all over the place. I knew my platform was going to be linked in because my ideal client are those very accomplished professionals they come to a speed bump in their career and they're struggling a little bit in their job search.

And so in the coaching and all of the direction, not only those weekly meetings, Where's listening to others. It's always wonderful to be a part of this very strong community, but also all of the resources, all of the videos and the training and everything that I have access to. I'm always able to go back very quickly and go, okay, I need it.

I need an email for this, or I want. All of the tools are there. If I need a Canva, LinkedIn post, I have an idea, but I want to put it so there's a visual to it. It's right there for me. So it takes no time for me to very quickly set up my network, lead gen and to set up all of those different processes.

And you've, you've taught me how to do that. So. On Sunday nights when I'm watching football with my husband, I just sit there very quickly and get my social media done for the week or the next couple of weeks. And then I, I'm done. And so you have really helped me become much more efficient as a business owner.

And I now know that I am the CEO. I drive all of my actions and it's because that you've given me the tools and the framework and the resources to be that CEO. And so my mindset, which you also provide, has also moved me in that instead of being a business woman who works for someone else, I now work for myself.

it's been an incredible growth journey and I'm still, I'm still in the middle of it, but it has been wonderful. Very quick. But it's been phenomenal.

Okay. What you're going to find out as you listen to this is the common denominator between these two ladies is they both took action keep telling everybody listening and everywhere I can tell, like the thing that we offer works when you do it.

And it's like, do the thing, come ask your questions because it works. And so anyway, kudos to both of you guys for doing the work. Cause I know it's. sometimes not easy. there's things you have to learn that you've never done before. And we all have our stories about how we're not good with this thing or with that thing.

And it's like, well, if you want clients, it's all part of it. So anyway, thanks Lori for that. All right, Jenny, tell us you joined the life coach business building school and what I will call our DIY version. So kind of do it yourself, but we also provide. monthly coaching sessions. We had a couple of bonus coaching sessions as well.

so you can come get questions answered. So tell me what inspired you to join. and why did you choose us?

you start and you open your Instagram account and you get all these followers and you get a lot of business coaches that are following you and a lot of messaging about how fast you can get this or like the quick way to increase leads. Or you hear all these terms about what is a funnel? What is like an opt in?

I'm like, what were you talking about? So the whole marketing. System and all that was very new to me, but there was just something about how you presented something that was easy to follow because I had all the idea and information and things that I needed to do. I just didn't know how to start. I wanted to start and I didn't know how to start.

So, and I think that it was either a Canva or one of those workshops. and I attended a few, it took me a while because I needed to go with almost my gut and feel like, okay, can I actually trust. Debbie to help me on this, but it was just how you would carry yourself, how you would answer the questions, the vast knowledge.

And then when I looked into it and I jumped in and I looked at how everything was just structured, that all I had to do was. Follow that same structure I had a website. It was not the best website. I had offers. I don't know if they were created the right way or structured the right way.

And now I can confidently say I can be very proud of my webpage. I'm very proud of the. protocol I created. I have a niche that I didn't know I needed because I felt that it was going to exclude people. And oh, I need to coach everybody. Everybody needs a health coach. So going from there to finding a very structured way that I can do on my own, being that I am a mom of a six year old on the spectrum.

So that's like a handful right there and a full time worker. I love the fact that I could just watch the videos, follow along. Get the templates and also have that access to you once or twice a month to kind of squeeze my questions in and get clarity. So for me, it was kind of like a no brainer in terms of finding that, but I needed to feel that level of trust.

And I, got that from you. it took a couple of workshops for me to feel like, yes, I think Debbie is the one.

Well, I always appreciate that, too, because I know that probably you, too, and everybody else, myself included, thinks like when we talk to somebody or we meet somebody or they get on our email list, they should be our client tomorrow.

And, you know, it takes time. I mean, know, like, and trust takes time. In some cases, you land a client immediately, but in some cases, for the podcast listeners, we know like Roz took an entire year of coming to workshops before finally that one day sitting on her couch, she opened an email and it was the right time to work with me.

So, Jenny, I want to tell a story on you. the Life Coach Business Building School, we re recorded everything and, because we were making a DIY version, we updated, we added supporting materials, and we also moved it to a new platform. And because it's on a new platform, I started looking to see.

who is going through what and what's happening, which just FYI, we don't usually check up on clients to see what they're doing. I mean, it's your responsibility, but we started looking cause I want to make sure that what we've put together and the way it makes sense. And I looked in and Jenny. Who had not been maybe in our program, I don't know, less than three months, I, for sure, maybe 60 days had, it said a 100 percent completion.

And I was like, I asked my team, I'm like, how could that be possible? Because there is a lot of trainings about everything And you had 100%. So when I saw you the next time I was like, Did you do that? And how did you do that?

Well, I took advantage of like the time off. I think it was like around Thanksgiving and I had some time off and I made it a priority because I had been trying to launch this business for practically like a year, I think like trying to DIY, like with no direction and Googling my way through things.

And now that I had a framework, I'm like, okay, Let's look at everything that I need to think about. So I went through everything. one run and then I pretty much lead projects and do all of that. So I'm like, okay, so I'm going to create my own project and I'm going to put my deadlines.

So I took everything. I'm like, okay, like this section, I need to finish it by December. I remember that. I'm like. Everything, the first framework, the first part of the four that you have as your framework, I'm like, it has to be done by December because 2025, I want to focus on the marketing, lead generation, and all of that.

But I need to have the structure done. And I knew that my web page, my marketing message, everything was not clear. I didn't even have a niche. I was not clear on that. So if you're not, you don't have clarity there, then Nothing else is going to be clear. It's all going to look muddy. So I went through everything.

Now I'm like, I saw it as, as a very high level. Okay. These are all the steps. Now I have specific deadlines for each and now I'm going through them and, and completing them.

Yeah. I love that because that would give you like, That's the way I kind of like it's like what's coming and what's ahead of me to go through kind of like I see the big picture now and then you can go back through and really do a deeper dive in it.

So, I would like to go back to you, Lori, and I would love to hear about your social media. because social media is everybody's pain point. It's like I don't like it. It doesn't work. So both of you guys have a fun social media story. Can you share Lori.

it's funny because you're right. I've always been kind of the voyeur on the, on the personal social media side. So Facebook and, you know, Instagram just playing and look in and chasing recipes and looking at silly animal pictures and things like that, but never been really active.

I, I always, ignored some of the ads and things like that. But again, when my mindset. Changed and I knew once I developed, I knew my niche immediately. Developing a niche for me was instant because I knew exactly who I wanted to honor and I knew why and so that way LinkedIn was my, was going to be my social media platform.

Well, funny story is I've been on LinkedIn Oh gosh, way long, but my LinkedIn, was for my My old job and I used it as a salesperson that hunted business. That was my job. And so I used it, I use very different aspects. So LinkedIn, I was very familiar, didn't do a lot of posting. I just didn't feel comfortable.

I always wanted to find perfection. If I'm going to post something, it better be perfect. Then along comes the Indeed, opportunity. Spoke with Indeed. I'll give you some numbers from that because that between what you provided and then obviously this opportunity that I was blessed to be able to be a part of, there were 22, 000 sign ups for the Indeed workshop.

Which number one tells you where we are in the world. Yeah, folks job searching. it was for the niche success and satisfaction in the later stages of your career. We had initially 12, 000 attend. immediately I had to go in there after the webinar. go through all of the comments and so going through the comments, gathering all of that information, reaching out.

And then from there, I already had my page that you guys had created a landing page to sign up to talk with me. Our goal is. Talk with me. Let's get clarity. Let's understand where you are. So I was, I was launched. So had 33 calls immediately within the next like two weeks. I mean, it was back to back to back working with people.

and all of this because of what I had gone through while it wasn't perfect. Which I'm, I tend to be a little bit of a perfectionist. I had all that I needed to begin to start, you know, I had a system so I could move someone in to be invoiced and they could pay for their coaching. I had all of that already set up.

So I knew that I just needed to move people forward I grew it from there. ButThere was a challenge. You gave us a challenge. I think it was before Thanksgiving and it was right after all of this. It happened to me. It was get out there and post post one or two times a week, maybe three.

I did that. I began to get again, additional followers, additional connections, and then I will let you know that I had a goal of setting up my newsletter again. in LinkedIn, a newsletter is actually read. It is again a part of a professionals, you know, kind of look to see who out who is out there. And I find that a lot of career coaches do not have.

A newsletter. And so I launched my newsletter and now I have an additional 600 subscribers.

Oh my gosh, Lori, I haven't talked to you in a couple of weeks


this. Maybe

a month. Oh, wow. Much like what Jenny was saying. When you set goals for yourself and you're owning the project, I mean, there's nobody to turn around and go, Oh, I'm sorry.

I didn't make that deadline. It's you. It's, you know, if my goal is to launch my newsletter. It was January 11th. It launched nine o'clock on Saturday morning. you teach us. That's a good operable time. I did exactly what you told us to do. And voila, it's now been two weeks.

My second one goes live on, on Saturday. I already have 600 subscribers and because one of the call to actions you always say call to action, set up a call call to action. So the call to action at the end of the newsletter, other than subscribe is. Find some time. Let me help.

Let me figure out where you're at in your job search. Well, all of a sudden I open up my email one morning and I have three discovery calls on my calendar. Don't even know who these individuals are, but they found me through my newsletter. So again, taking the action, you have set up the absolute roadmap and framework.

If you just take the action, do what it says, don't be afraid. What I say and what I do isn't perfect, but it's perfect for someone. Someone heard my messaging and I reached them and now they wanna talk to me and they feel like I'm a good person to talk to. and so that's how I use social media.

It is one of my greatest marketing tools to reach the people that are in need.

Oh, my gosh. Okay. We could be here all day talking and sharing their things. I want to share one more thing that just came up, Lori, that you did that when you were telling me about it. I was like, this is interesting because you wanted to make a different offer than what somebody else had made.

So you were doing three workshops. for a flat price. Now I had talked about doing three sessions, like three sessions for 300, three for three, but you decided to do three workshops for a flat price.


it's a series exactly what you said, but it's a series. it has a theme.

session one is a theme. Session two is a theme and session three, because it builds on that job search strategy. I charge $300 I'm only with them an hour, so it's successive Wednesdays, so they're with me an hour on one Wednesday, a second, and a third.

I give them all of the tools that they need to kind of DIY. They have access to me. I open up an office hour so that they bring something to me. I can review it. But it gives them an opportunity to kind of understand what career coaching is about. Some of them have, gone through an outsourcing program that maybe their, their company offered for them.

And they were like, Oh, okay, that didn't feel good. What is this all about? Well, coming to me, they understand it's very much of a concierge handholding. There's a lot of mindset. you know, emotional support, building your relevance in the market. and so those, workshops that I set up, again, from your suggestion, kind of get them, you're still charging for that, but it's a nominal rate, but they get to understand who I am.

And because of that, now I have also moved a couple of those individuals into my VIP program because they've made the decision to go through a complete career transition, like a transformation. They're moving from here Over to here. So they need to have a lot more time with me in a three month period so that they can they can feel comfortable and going through this.

So again, it's something you've taught us as a way of kind of setting up your marketing and let people understand who you are, what your brand is, what you stand for, what your niche is and what you can deliver to them. So that was that was that's been huge. And I will continue to run those on a monthly basis.

Yeah, that's so cool. So yeah, it's a repeatable. I tell people at some very repeatable. You get to repeat things and it's like, it feels like in the beginning, like, I can't work any more hours a day than when I'm working. It's like, no, eventually, and your story, I mean, none of your stuff has taken very long, but yes, you have a repeatable.

Proven thing that you can, do next month.

Yeah, a way to, and you know, Deb, you always teach us to, you know, put your numbers down and I, and I'm a numbers girl. I mean, I, I came from business. So I was always looking at quotas and setting quotas for myself and understanding what the company expected. Well, I do the same thing for myself.

So. Again, anyone out there that is looking, you know, oh, I don't, I can't charge a big ticket, or I don't, I find something on in the middle. So this is literally four hours a month, four hours total in a month that I spend with 10 people, and I charge them $300, four for that time. So you can put your numbers together very quickly what that comes out of outside of now my VIP packages.

So it's a very quick way for me. It was a good way for me to get my coaching business going very, very, very quickly. And again, I'm working with folks that are unemployed. They're worried about their finances. And for them, this was a way for them to invest in themselves on a smaller scale and then get reap the rewards very, very quickly.

All right. Thank you. Okay, Jenny, I had an opportunity to hear from you and you shared what you were doing on social media as well. And the results that you got.

And also I would love for you to share about connecting with people because, you mentioned just a couple of minutes ago that, there was all these sales coach or business coaches DMing you, which I I kind of forget about that. I don't do that. So you know, and I'm also against all the bro marketers.

I think they're all got a bunch of BS that they're saying, like, don't over, don't promise things that can't happen. but you actually did some connecting with people who are following you. So do you want to share about that and about your social media? What kind of what's happening?

Absolutely. Like I decided to, I'm not sure how many people will get this message, but I worked on being consistent.

So I started being consistent on Sunday evenings. I will plan what I'm going to focus for the week. some things I will even schedule the postings. And then I'm like, and I'm going to jump. I'm either going to do a live or a real or do something as I feel led throughout the week. But I kept doing this and sometimes you will get no likes.

One, like, or you will have a call to action, you know, respond, do this and you will get nothing. And I'm like, okay. Like I don't know if this is working, but I was kind of like building the track before the train came in. So I'm like, I'm gonna make sure that I have posts that add value. I'm gonna add some.

Raw, just information about me, what I do and just let it be and continue to work on other areas. And all of a sudden I decided to do this reel and it had like over a thousand views in like less than 24. I'm like, okay, what happened? And all I did was share what I was eating on a Saturday that I had a full day of coaching and talking about how protein is important and the water And exercising and like 10, 15 minutes after meals to balance your blood sugar. That's all I did in that little reel, nothing super fancy. The video is not even like super high quality. And all of a sudden it took off. Then I do another one about insulin resistance. And I'm like, okay. this week I started what is called like a five for five challenge to have people.


Time out. Time out. Let me just interrupt. We're going to make sure that you can follow both these people and I'm going to just say the five for five. I am like, that is genius. So we'll link both of these guys's, social media platforms, the LinkedIn for Lori and for Jenny. So go ahead and tell what five for five is because it's genius.

So listen up

I know that winter is kind of like tough and I'm in New York. So winter is tough for you to do movement and I love moving outside. So for me, it was a challenge. And since I kind of wanted to incorporate more movement, I'm like, Oh. Like maybe I can just sign a few moves and, get my following.

I don't have like a large following, but I'm like, I'm going to put it out there. All of a sudden I'm getting people DM me, I completed it. Oh, this is great. Oh, my legs are hurting. And I'm like, okay, like they're not commenting publicly at times, but they're reaching out. So sometimes you can't go by The appearance, or you may think that nobody's really watching, and in fact, there are people that are actually completing it, and they may not react on the platform, but then eventually they'll reach out.

So five for five is for five days, you're going to set aside five minutes and you're going to do five moves. So all these are body weight movements that you don't need any equipment and you can do at any point.

So since my niche is pretty much busy professionals, people that really don't have the time. I'm like, well, I'm going to prove to you that you can actually incorporate five minutes. Of movement and you can even do it between meetings, you can do it at any point early in the morning while you're watching your kid taking a bath, you can squeeze five minutes a lot of people are saying, you know what, I did it.

It is true. Those are moves that you can do, even with your fancy work clothes, you can still do it. And I was surprised of all the feedback and all the messages, so I'm pretty excited. So I'm following my gut and also incorporating maybe my own journey in terms of health and just bring it over so that it can be genuine, We don't need fake, we need genuine people. So I try to show myself there, the way that I am. And, I guess that's what it's attracting the right people to the audience.

So what were your results on your post for this week?

So the posts for this week, there was one that right now I posted and it's about maybe like 300 or 400.

It seems like the reels get a lot more attention than the carousels. I still want to do carousels because I feel they're more educational. They're easy for people to save. If you have a lot of information there, I feel like it's best to kind of like do it like that. But it seems like reels and videos are something that people enjoy.

They feel that they connect with you. They're getting to know you. And again, they see the genuine part of you. So if you're genuine, people can see it. And I guess

that creates the connection. You said you had 13, 000 views from one of those this week.

Yeah, that's awesome.

you just have to do it and I keep doing it consistently. and then the bright message and the message that you're putting people that resonate with it, people that are looking for that they're, they're going to find you.

so good. And also you started a podcast, right? I


it was more as a matter of, and I know that in one of the coaching sessions I kept talking about, diabetes, it's like, okay, one in three are pre diabetic and I am Hispanic, my community, like it, there's a lot of individuals that are struggling with that. So it's a way of actually giving that resource and advice in a way that they get it for free.

So it's my way of kind of like giving back and I'm already contemplating actually recording it in Spanish so that people that only speak Spanish can do it. So that is kind of my way of giving back to the community, because I know that that was a very strong motivator for me to get into this.

Okay. Well, we could go on forever, but I know y'all are not going to listen forever. So, let's wrap this up, but, I would like to first say, Lori, is there anything about what you're doing? We will leave their links, all the details, please share it with your friends. Please get on these ladies calendars, you know, if, if this is a fit for you, but is there anything else you want to share about what you're doing or anything that you would share to somebody else who's maybe on the fence, like with the done for you, since you did that, like about working with us, that maybe would help somebody see the value in what we offer.

Absolutely. So much like what Jenny just said, authenticity is really important to me. I have worked with other business coaches, life coaches had great experiences, had not such great experiences. Your authenticity that you bring to your market and to us as entrepreneurs and as, you know, fledgling coaches is very real.

And that was important to me because that is exactly the persona I wanted to bring to my clients was an authenticity. I know what you're going through. I've struggled myself in a job search. I've been laid off. I've been in transition. and I think for you also, and it's the same that I approach to with my clients is You don't have to go at it alone. You don't have to try to figure out all of this stuff by yourself. It is a very unbelievably complete road map. That all you have to do is follow incomplete. Don't look for perfection. Take that action. that's exactly what I tell my job.

Seekers take. Action. Don't be afraid to reach out to a recruiter. You've told us the same thing. Just take action, post something. You know, I'm about to break into video. I've never, it's not something I'm comfortable about, but you have shared with us, ladies get uncomfortable, do a little something, and it will make a big difference.

And what, you know, Jenny's story has already proven that. And so I encourage anyone that is just kind of kicking it around. Have a have a call with Deb and her team understand how this can really complete your business. If you are truly serious about becoming a coach and owning your own business and being a CEO.

I, I highly encourage everyone to just at least listen to her. She is very, very authentic.

Thank you. And just to kind of highlight, for those of you who don't know, we do have a mindset coach that works with us, and comes to both The life coach business building school that Jenny's in and also to our VIP coaching experience and both people, all the levels of the people that I work with also have access to our team.

So if you want to get a website done, or you need an hour's worth of work done, or like Lori had her presentation done by, I think Catherine, maybe. So you can have things done. Because that was another problem for me is like, how do you find somebody to do this stuff and how do you not have to like, get a 900 package with them for one project that you need.

And our experts, our professionals, they understand our process. They understand our marketing message. So there's not a bunch of like back and forth that you have to do. They understand branding the way I teach it.

So it makes it pretty efficient. They can get things done almost faster than somebody that you could hire maybe for cheaper. Because they might take a few hours to do something. Our girls can just knock it out pretty fast. So, Okay. Jenny, anything else you want to add about your business or about your takeaways as well?

I would say just Schedule a call with Debbie, talk about your goals. You cannot afford to delay and try to figure it out. I know there was a part of EGLE about, I am going to do it on my own. And sometimes we don't want to ask for help, but you're wasting time and you have a calling and you have people that need your coaching, whichever type of coaching you're offering.

And the more you delay, the less people are being benefited from that service. So you have to see it like that and just jump in because I don't think my website would look the way that it looks now if it wasn't for this. And I joined actually mid November. So I started mid November and I have done so much in the past, again, it must be around the two month mark that I joined I have done so much more than whatever I attempted to do by going on YouTube and searching.

So invest on this. Talk to Debbie, you're going to see which program fits your needs, but even with the school technically you're doing it yourself, the videos, the templates, even the Canva templates, like that has been a lifesaver for me and my posting. Like I have those templates, I created my brand colors, I put them in, it just makes it so much easier and you look like a professional business.

I can tell that my website does not look amateur at all.

Yeah, it was so fun when I saw her podcast, because if you guys go look for her podcast, which we can link, again, all the details for you guys to connect with them. It was so fun because I was like, I know that podcast cover because it's my podcast cover, except it's got your picture on it and your color.

So I'm like, that's fun. That is the purpose we want to share. I don't have to hold on to anything. I can give everything away because all you guys are doing your stuff and there's enough for all of us. it is just my honor. I so much gratitude for you guys. taking a chance on me because I know, you described Jenny, those kind of slimy marketers out there pushing, promising all that stuff.

And sometimes I downplay it so much. I'm like, I'm not going to promise anything, you know, but, I know that our process works. And so I'm so grateful that both you guys came in super excited. I mean, It's barely just getting started. I cannot imagine we should set a date and come back January of next year and talk about what's happened because it's going to be phenomenal.

anyway, you guys, thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you for everything. Thank you for

putting something together that is easy to structure your next steps and help us build a business that is going to service a lot of people that need it.

Thank you. Have a beautiful day. I hope to see you on my calendar too. Debbie shed. com forward slash schedule. we have lots of options, very affordable all the way up to the elite done for you. we can help you. We would love it'd be my honor to help you too. So you guys have an amazing day and we'll talk to you soon.

Bye bye. Bye.