Ep 97 - Client Success Story with Lesley Micale

Client Success Story with Lesley Micale - Business Building Boutique for Life Coaches with Debbie Shadid

In this episode… 

Business Success + Life Coach, Debbie Shadid, is talking with Business Belief Coach, Lesley Micale, about her life coaching journey and the impact it’s had on her business.


During the month of February, we’ll be featuring one client each week who’s made incredible strides in their coaching businesses. We’ve got a diverse group of women with all different niches, but they all have one thing in common - they were coachable and took intentional action to achieve their goals.


This week we’re talking with Business Belief Coach, Lesley Micale, whose life coaching career allowed her to break free from an unhappy job and help others with their business mindset.


Listen in on this episode to hear Lesley’s journey of how life coaching made all the difference in her life and business.


Connect with Lesley on her website.

Check out Lesley’s free resources.

Watch on YouTube



00;00;06;08 - 00;00;07;10 | Debbie
Hello, my friend.

00;00;07;10 - 00;00;09;14 | Debbie
Are you ready to have more clients?

00;00;09;26 - 00;00;11;23 | Debbie
I'm your host, Debbie Shadid.

00;00;11;23 - 00;00;14;17 | Debbie
I am a master at building businesses.

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I can help you get more clients with super simple strategies.

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Plus, I can help you with a mindset so you can overcome the drama and the doubt.

00;00;23;10 - 00;00;25;13 | Debbie
Let's get started.

00;00;28;11 - 00;00;30;26 | Debbie
Welcome to the Women's Business Success Show,

00;00;30;26 - 00;00;35;00 | Debbie
I'm so excited this month, as you guys know, I am featuring coaches

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that I work with, and today I want to introduce you to Lesley.

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I'm going to have her tell a little bit about her business.

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We're going to be talking about

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what brought her to life coaching and how we work together.

00;00;46;17 - 00;00;50;27 | Debbie
But I want to tell you that Lesley and I met almost a year ago in a mastermind.

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It's been about twelve months ago, and I feel like

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I really connected with her instantly.

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I think we had different things going on, but sort of similar things going on.

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So anyway, she's been working with me on and off for the last year,

00;01;04;10 - 00;01;08;10 | Debbie
and I'm so, so excited for the business development and growth that she's had.

00;01;08;10 - 00;01;11;20 | Debbie
So anyway, Lesley, introduce yourself first?

00;01;11;20 - 00;01;13;13 | Lesley
I will, thank you for having me.

00;01;13;14 - 00;01;14;23 | Lesley
So I am Lesley Micale and I am a business belief coach.

00;01;19;10 - 00;01;21;07 | Lesley
So it's kind of evolved.

00;01;21;07 - 00;01;24;04 | Lesley
This is a recent kind of transition in my business.

00;01;24;04 - 00;01;27;21 | Lesley
I was always coaching women; well, I started as a general life coach,

00;01;27;21 - 00;01;31;05 | Lesley
and then I transitioned into helping women have less anxiety

00;01;31;05 - 00;01;35;12 | Lesley
and more confidence and recently have transitioned into business coaching.

00;01;35;12 - 00;01;38;20 | Lesley
And it's because I just kind of naturally

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got a couple of business clients and I just fell in love with that coaching.

00;01;43;14 - 00;01;45;16 | Lesley
And so that's where I am now.

00;01;45;17 - 00;01;47;05 | Debbie
OK, so tell me, let's back up

00;01;47;05 - 00;01;50;11 | Debbie
and tell me what brought you to life coaching to begin with?

00;01;50;11 - 00;01;51;22 | Lesley
So I was working.

00;01;51;22 - 00;01;56;08 | Lesley
I want to say this is about four years ago, I was working at the post office

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delivering mail, and I was so unhappy in my life.

00;02;01;18 - 00;02;03;14 | Lesley
Like, it was awful.

00;02;03;14 - 00;02;07;19 | Lesley
And I was working a ton of hours and I was super broke

00;02;08;00 - 00;02;10;05 | Lesley
and I knew that there was nothing I could do.

00;02;10;05 - 00;02;12;15 | Lesley
I couldn't work more hours to make more money,

00;02;12;15 - 00;02;14;20 | Lesley
so I knew I had to do something different.

00;02;15;04 - 00;02;19;05 | Lesley
And so I would listen to podcasts in my truck when I was delivering mail

00;02;19;05 - 00;02;22;24 | Lesley
because I have always been obsessed with personal development.

00;02;23;08 - 00;02;26;19 | Lesley
And so somebody had mentioned like selling houses

00;02;26;19 - 00;02;29;22 | Lesley
and being in real estate, and I thought, OK, yeah, maybe I could do that.

00;02;29;23 - 00;02;31;02 | Lesley
You could make a lot of money doing that.

00;02;31;02 - 00;02;34;28 | Lesley
And so I started listening to these podcasts about how to be, like a really good

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real estate agent.

00;02;36;02 - 00;02;37;06 | Lesley
And it kind of dawned on me

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one day that I was listening to life coaches who were coaching real estate

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agents, and I thought, Oh my God, I love personal development .

00;02;44;12 - 00;02;46;13 | Lesley
I wonder if I could be a life coach.

00;02;46;13 - 00;02;50;20 | Lesley
And so I just typed into the podcast app how to be a Life Coach,

00;02;51;00 - 00;02;54;26 | Lesley
and the Life Coach School podcast popped up and I was obsessed.

00;02;54;29 - 00;02;58;03 | Lesley
And so I started, like, applying those tools to my life.

00;02;58;03 - 00;03;03;03 | Lesley
And about a year later, it had made such a difference in my life

00;03;03;03 - 00;03;07;12 | Lesley
that I was like, I'm going all in, I'm going to be a life coach and help other people,

00;03;07;12 - 00;03;10;14 | Lesley
and I'm going to hire my own life coach so I could have even faster growth.

00;03;10;25 - 00;03;13;12 | Lesley
And so that's the rest is history.

00;03;13;12 - 00;03;16;11 | Debbie
I should've told it in the beginning of the podcast,

00;03;16;11 - 00;03;19;14 | Debbie
but you guys, Lesley is a really good coach,

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and I really, really mean that that was one of the things when we met last year.

00;03;23;28 - 00;03;25;23 | Debbie
I feel like you were a standout.

00;03;25;23 - 00;03;28;22 | Debbie
We were in a mastermind together, kind of a high-level mastermind.

00;03;28;23 - 00;03;31;20 | Debbie
I feel like Lesley was really the stand-out coach.

00;03;31;20 - 00;03;36;25 | Debbie
Very intuitive, really good at holding the space, and really great

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at asking questions, which is really what a life coach does, right?

00;03;40;24 - 00;03;45;00 | Debbie
They really guide you into finding the answers, and you do that really well.

00;03;45;08 - 00;03;47;18 | Lesley
Oh, thank you so much, that feels so good to hear that.

00;03;47;19 - 00;03;48;00 | Debbie
All right.

00;03;48;00 - 00;03;49;01 | Debbie
So you listen to the Life

00;03;49;01 - 00;03;51;28 | Debbie
Coach School podcast, which I think practically everybody here

00;03;52;02 - 00;03;55;23 | Debbie
knows the Life Coach School podcast and has probably also binge-listened

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to this, but you made that path.

00;03;58;15 - 00;04;00;21 | Debbie
You decided to become a life coach

00;04;01;04 - 00;04;04;25 | Debbie
and then talk to me about who you were coaching initially.

00;04;04;25 - 00;04;08;09 | Debbie
I know you said General Life Coach, but kind of what happened there?

00;04;08;10 - 00;04;10;10 | Lesley
I just wanted to.

00;04;10;11 - 00;04;13;15 | Lesley
I started coaching for free because I just I wanted to get the experience.

00;04;13;15 - 00;04;16;12 | Lesley
So anybody who wanted coaching, I would coach them.

00;04;17;00 - 00;04;21;10 | Lesley
So I coach people on cutting back on alcohol, I coach people on weight

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loss, and I coach people that were in multilevel marketing

00;04;25;03 - 00;04;29;02 | Lesley
and through the process of like starting my own business

00;04;29;02 - 00;04;33;10 | Lesley
and building it and working on it and coaching other people.

00;04;33;12 - 00;04;36;13 | Lesley
This wasn't the reason that I went into coaching, but

00;04;36;13 - 00;04;38;02 | Lesley
it became a byproduct of it.

00;04;38;02 - 00;04;41;22 | Lesley
By using the tools is my anxiety went down so much

00;04;41;22 - 00;04;45;04 | Lesley
I completely eliminated my panic attacks and my confidence;

00;04;45;04 - 00;04;49;16 | Lesley
I just had gained so much confidence, I could see the way I was showing up

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differently in the world between when I was insecure

00;04;53;03 - 00;04;56;17 | Lesley
and highly anxious to when I was like calm and confident.

00;04;56;27 - 00;05;00;25 | Lesley
And it was like I was two different people and I wanted like everybody in the world

00;05;00;25 - 00;05;04;05 | Lesley
to feel what it feels like to feel just good in your life.

00;05;04;06 - 00;05;08;03 | Lesley
And so I niched down into helping women in that area.

00;05;08;03 - 00;05;10;13 | Debbie
So I want to talk about that for a minute,

00;05;10;13 - 00;05;13;12 | Debbie
because when Lesley and I started working together, like many life

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coaches, the sort of the idea out there is that you should be a general life

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coach and tell and do private coaching until you make $100,000.

00;05;21;14 - 00;05;24;10 | Debbie
Would you say that's kind of what you understood too, or thought?

00;05;24;10 - 00;05;26;25 | Debbie
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. And when we started working together, I

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said, well,

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here's the thing is that I think that if you look at

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you can be a general life coach

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because you had a lot of resistance to picking a niche.

00;05;34;02 - 00;05;36;11 | Debbie
And it's like, just let's look at the things that you

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mostly are coaching on under the general life coach umbrella.

00;05;39;16 - 00;05;43;15 | Debbie
What are people coming for and is it turned out it was anxiety,

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confidence, kind of,

00;05;44;26 - 00;05;49;10 | Debbie
It was actually some very common themes that you found that people were coming

00;05;49;14 - 00;05;53;12 | Lesley
for. Yes, boundaries, perfectionism, all those things.

00;05;54;10 - 00;05;58;04 | Debbie
And just for you guys listening, the reason why I wanted her to sort of

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figure that out is that it's much easier to market your business.

00;06;02;19 - 00;06;04;27 | Debbie
It's much easier for me to help you to market your business.

00;06;04;27 - 00;06;08;05 | Debbie
If we know what you're going to say, who you're going to help, what the problem

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is, you're solving what the transformation is

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that they're going to have when they work with you.

00;06;12;09 - 00;06;13;02 | Debbie
Did you find that

00;06;13;02 - 00;06;16;18 | Debbie
that was a big change when you had that a little bit narrower focus?

00;06;16;22 - 00;06;18;29 | Lesley
Yeah, it's funny, too, because you think, Oh, I'm not sure I'm

00;06;18;29 - 00;06;24;14 | Lesley
going to have less things to talk about, but you actually end up having more ideas

00;06;24;14 - 00;06;27;16 | Lesley
and more inspiration and more content when you have it

00;06;27;22 - 00;06;30;11 | Lesley
just focused down on some specific things.

00;06;30;12 - 00;06;33;24 | Debbie
So what happened to your business when you got more focus?

00;06;33;24 - 00;06;36;03 | Debbie
Would you say that you had - people have the idea,

00;06;36;03 - 00;06;39;01 | Debbie
I should say, that if I niche down, there's going to be people

00;06;39;01 - 00;06;43;17 | Debbie
who want to work with me and they won't, because now I'm excluding them.

00;06;43;18 - 00;06;44;28 | Debbie
Did that happen for you?

00;06;44;28 - 00;06;49;05 | Lesley
No. I still had people come to me for just all sorts of things, really.

00;06;49;05 - 00;06;51;29 | Lesley
And I had people come to me for the niche anxiety

00;06;51;29 - 00;06;53;05 | Lesley
and confidence. Yeah.

00;06;53;05 - 00;06;58;05 | Debbie
So tell me how that evolved into business belief coaching.

00;06;58;06 - 00;07;02;18 | Debbie
How did it go from anxiety and confidence to this today

00;07;03;00 - 00;07;05;18 | Debbie
in the role that you play, which I think is brilliant,

00;07;05;18 - 00;07;07;27 | Debbie
but, how did that happen? Where did that come from?

00;07;08;01 - 00;07;12;22 | Lesley
So I think part of it was something that was happening in my own mind

00;07;13;02 - 00;07;17;23 | Lesley
because I, you know, you say, like this great coach, but this is where my life

00;07;17;24 - 00;07;21;10 | Lesley
I was always so worried that I wasn't a good enough coach.

00;07;21;10 - 00;07;23;20 | Lesley
This is the story I always told. I'm not good enough.

00;07;24;01 - 00;07;27;11 | Lesley
And so when that finally clicked, when I finally was like,

00;07;27;11 - 00;07;30;01 | Lesley
Oh, wait a minute, I am actually a pretty good coach.

00;07;30;14 - 00;07;32;26 | Lesley
And I finally had belief in myself.

00;07;33;05 - 00;07;36;03 | Lesley
That is when things really changed for me.

00;07;36;03 - 00;07;37;25 | Lesley
So it was a combination of that happening.

00;07;37;25 - 00;07;42;00 | Lesley
Like, I could really see that peace was the missing part for me.

00;07;42;01 - 00;07;45;01 | Lesley
And secondly, I just had attracted

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even though I was, you know, an anxiety and confidence coach.

00;07;48;25 - 00;07;52;23 | Lesley
I had attracted three life coaches who wanted coaching from me

00;07;53;03 - 00;07;55;20 | Lesley
and I was coaching them on their business.

00;07;56;00 - 00;07;58;01 | Lesley
And it was essentially the same thing,

00;07;58;01 - 00;08;00;10 | Lesley
like I was coaching them on a social anxiety

00;08;00;10 - 00;08;01;28 | Lesley
and I was coaching them on their confidence

00;08;01;28 - 00;08;03;15 | Lesley
and their belief in their business.

00;08;03;15 - 00;08;05;27 | Lesley
And I just like I fell in love with that kind of coaching.

00;08;05;27 - 00;08;09;02 | Lesley
I think it is so much fun to coach people in their business.

00;08;09;13 - 00;08;11;27 | Lesley
And so it just felt like a natural transition for me.

00;08;12;03 - 00;08;16;05 | Debbie
So when you say coach on business, just so we're a little bit clearer on this.

00;08;17;04 - 00;08;20;09 | Debbie
This is the business mindset part of it.

00;08;20;09 - 00;08;23;25 | Debbie
Not how-to part of it, correct? - Yes.

00;08;23;26 - 00;08;26;08 | Debbie
And so the women that came to you

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for coaching, were they all life coaches or could you help anybody

00;08;30;06 - 00;08;31;02 | Debbie
that's a coach?

00;08;31;02 - 00;08;33;23 | Lesley
I think that I could help anybody in business.

00;08;33;24 - 00;08;35;26 | Lesley
They just happened to be life coaches.

00;08;35;26 - 00;08;39;20 | Debbie
Oh, any business, you could help any kind of business because, yeah, everybody.

00;08;40;03 - 00;08;41;25 | Lesley
I think it's all mindset.

00;08;41;25 - 00;08;42;25 | Lesley
I mean, not all mindset.

00;08;42;25 - 00;08;46;05 | Lesley
I mean, but I think that it's the same mindset you would use starting

00;08;46;05 - 00;08;49;22 | Lesley
a life coaching business as you would use to just another business

00;08;49;22 - 00;08;52;23 | Debbie
like you were talking about network marketing and those kinds of things.

00;08;52;24 - 00;08;54;17 | Debbie
If you're a solopreneur, particularly,

00;08;54;17 - 00;08;57;24 | Lesley
I think that's the thing is, yeah, you run a business by yourself.

00;08;58;10 - 00;08;59;02 | Debbie
- Mm-hmm. - You know,

00;08;59;02 - 00;09;02;26 | Debbie
I think everybody needs a coach, particularly for that, because by herself,

00;09;02;26 - 00;09;03;09 | Debbie
I don't know.

00;09;03;09 - 00;09;04;06 | Debbie
I guess you can figure it

00;09;04;06 - 00;09;07;15 | Debbie
all out on your own and we’ve both done that and lots of people do that.

00;09;08;00 - 00;09;11;09 | Debbie
But definitely, I think there's some value in talking to somebody else

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about what you have in your head, like putting all the cards on the table

00;09;15;01 - 00;09;17;15 | Debbie
and letting somebody else help you sort them out.

00;09;17;28 - 00;09;19;27 | Lesley
Oh yeah, I would agree with that 100%.

00;09;19;27 - 00;09;23;06 | Lesley
Like, I don't think you need a business

00;09;23;06 - 00;09;26;00 | Lesley
coach, necessarily because people have been successful without them.

00;09;26;11 - 00;09;29;29 | Lesley
But when you do that, when you put it on the table and you talk

00;09;29;29 - 00;09;32;24 | Lesley
about it out loud with another person, they're able to show you things

00;09;32;24 - 00;09;36;12 | Lesley
that you probably wouldn't have seen for a year or two down the road.

00;09;36;26 - 00;09;39;12 | Lesley
And so it's just much quicker.

00;09;39;23 - 00;09;43;26 | Lesley
So I can't think of any reason why you wouldn't want to have a business coach.

00;09;44;07 - 00;09;48;03 | Debbie
I think you guys really, for those of you who have not done this,

00;09;48;17 - 00;09;51;28 | Debbie
who haven't found a business coach and you know, I'm the how-to part

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of the business , I'm the marketing, the getting your words right,

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figuring out your offer,

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all that. Lesley's talking about the mindset part of it.

00;09;59;14 - 00;10;02;07 | Debbie
But I think that there's this hesitation of like,

00;10;02;14 - 00;10;04;29 | Debbie
I got certified and I should know what to do now.

00;10;05;09 - 00;10;09;14 | Debbie
And I think there's a whole nother aspect you might be able to coach your peers

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and your friends,

00;10;10;13 - 00;10;13;20 | Debbie
but the belief in yourself about being a good enough coach,

00;10;13;28 - 00;10;16;11 | Debbie
being able to coach anyone on anything

00;10;16;20 - 00;10;20;06 | Debbie
being able to talk about marketing, being able to quote your offer.

00;10;20;06 - 00;10;23;18 | Debbie
All of that just turns into a whole new level

00;10;23;18 - 00;10;26;24 | Debbie
of things that people don't expect when they get certified.

00;10;27;05 - 00;10;30;03 | Debbie
Yeah, the minute you ask for money from somebody,

00;10;30;07 - 00;10;33;09 | Debbie
so many people, so many coaches are like, that's like the turning point

00;10;33;09 - 00;10;35;20 | Debbie
where they're like, Oh no, I can coach for free, I think.

00;10;35;20 - 00;10;38;25 | Debbie
But like, am I good enough to ask somebody for money?

00;10;39;21 - 00;10;43;14 | Debbie
And you guys, if you get that worked out, that's a game-changer.

00;10;43;15 - 00;10;44;27 | Debbie
And I don't know.

00;10;44;27 - 00;10;46;19 | Debbie
Some of that just takes practice.

00;10;46;19 - 00;10;50;23 | Debbie
And some of it takes somebody pointing out to you, the coaching part

00;10;50;24 - 00;10;54;29 | Debbie
pointing out to you what's really going on for you so you can see it for yourself.

00;10;55;01 - 00;10;56;07 | Lesley
Yes. Yeah.

00;10;56;07 - 00;10;59;29 | Lesley
And you say that you're the how-to, I think you do some mindset coaching

00;10;59;29 - 00;11;01;07 | Lesley
too, though, you do both.

00;11;01;07 - 00;11;01;26 | Lesley
You have like the whole,

00;11;01;26 - 00;11;05;22 | Lesley
you run the whole gamut you have like you're like the cliff notes of business.

00;11;05;24 - 00;11;08;23 | Lesley
Like any question I have, I could ask you and you'd have the answer,

00;11;09;13 - 00;11;11;15 | Lesley
but you also coach me on my mindset too.

00;11;11;17 - 00;11;14;26 | Debbie
Well, now that's interesting because I would not have thought of that.

00;11;14;26 - 00;11;17;22 | Debbie
What I mostly coached Lesley on, for those of you listening

00;11;17;24 - 00;11;20;24 | Debbie
and this would be for anybody that would come work with me,

00;11;21;05 - 00;11;23;28 | Debbie
is to figure out, you know, refine.

00;11;23;29 - 00;11;28;00 | Debbie
I help everybody refine their niche so we can get the words right

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that people will connect with so that when you go sell

00;11;32;08 - 00;11;35;24 | Debbie
your coaching to somebody and you say, I'm a business belief coach,

00;11;36;03 - 00;11;40;14 | Debbie
which is super clear, if you guys need help with the belief in your business

00;11;40;14 - 00;11;44;07 | Debbie
about whether you're a good coach, whether you can put yourself out there,

00;11;44;18 - 00;11;47;09 | Debbie
you know, in front of people, you know,

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you can stand the rejection of a no, whether you can stand

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failure, all those things, that's business belief

00;11;54;17 - 00;11;58;12 | Debbie
and when Lesley gets clear on that, then I can really help her

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make her marketing even better.

00;12;00;11 - 00;12;03;03 | Lesley
Yeah, that is your zone of genius, for sure.

00;12;03;07 - 00;12;06;07 | Debbie
Well, so tell people about kind of

00;12;06;07 - 00;12;09;16 | Debbie
what you do in your business where people can find you

00;12;09;17 - 00;12;13;20 | Debbie
how this is all going to work, how they can improve their business belief.

00;12;13;20 - 00;12;14;21 | Lesley
I'm going to keep saying

00;12;17;06 - 00;12;22;05 | Lesley
As far as social media, I show up on Instagram and Facebook

00;12;22;05 - 00;12;25;08 | Lesley
and on both places, it's the same just my name, first

00;12;25;08 - 00;12;28;08 | Lesley
name and last name, which is also the same as my website.

00;12;28;08 - 00;12;35;04 | Lesley
So it's Lesley, and my last name is Micale.

00;12;35;04 - 00;12;37;06 | Debbie
OK, so who should come and see?

00;12;37;06 - 00;12;39;15 | Debbie
Like, where are they at right now in their business?

00;12;40;11 - 00;12;42;23 | Lesley
They're sitting at home and they're thinking what?

00;12;42;26 - 00;12;46;04 | Lesley
They really want to have a successful business.

00;12;46;04 - 00;12;46;22 | Lesley
They've either

00;12;46;22 - 00;12;50;23 | Lesley
already started their business, but there's so much doubt they're having.

00;12;50;23 - 00;12;55;17 | Lesley
They're finding themselves starting and stopping and not being consistent, or

00;12;55;19 - 00;13;00;29 | Lesley
they really want to start their business, and they just have not been able

00;13;00;29 - 00;13;04;23 | Lesley
to kind of get past that initial fear to make the first move.

00;13;04;26 - 00;13;07;29 | Lesley
So that's like putting yourself out there for the first time.

00;13;08;00 - 00;13;11;23 | Debbie
- Yes, it's scary - Letting people know

00;13;11;24 - 00;13;12;13 | Lesley
Worth it, though.

00;13;12;15 - 00;13;15;10 | Debbie
Yeah, I guess the thing is on that, most

00;13;15;10 - 00;13;18;10 | Debbie
people are a little bit worried about what people are going to say or think.

00;13;18;10 - 00;13;19;25 | Debbie
Is that the case?

00;13;19;25 - 00;13;22;12 | Lesley
Like, what are people going to say when I'm a life coach?

00;13;22;12 - 00;13;25;14 | Lesley
Right. Yes, uncertain about other people's opinions of you?

00;13;25;15 - 00;13;27;20 | Debbie
Yeah, I'm curious, what opinions did people

00;13;27;20 - 00;13;31;27 | Debbie
have you about you when you said you were a life coach just for fun, tell me?

00;13;31;27 - 00;13;34;20 | Lesley
I have no idea, but I thought, for sure.

00;13;34;26 - 00;13;36;11 | Lesley
Oh, actually, I take that back.

00;13;36;11 - 00;13;39;18 | Lesley
I did have one person say something to me,

00;13;39;21 - 00;13;44;14 | Lesley
and it was life coaching is such a joke, but this was an ex,

00;13;45;00 - 00;13;47;23 | Lesley
so you got to consider the source.

00;13;48;01 - 00;13;50;08 | Lesley
But I don't know what other people thought of me.

00;13;50;08 - 00;13;53;04 | Lesley
I will tell you that what I thought they were thinking

00;13;53;12 - 00;13;55;00 | Lesley
was, are you kidding me?

00;13;55;00 - 00;13;56;24 | Lesley
You're going to be a life coach?

00;13;56;24 - 00;13;58;04 | Lesley
That's what I was for sure

00;13;58;04 - 00;13;59;24 | Lesley
thought that they were thinking in the beginning.

00;13;59;24 - 00;14;04;11 | Lesley
But now, I don't even care what other people think, because I'm

00;14;04;11 - 00;14;08;01 | Lesley
so certain in my coaching and life coaching in general

00;14;08;12 - 00;14;10;12 | Lesley
that if somebody ever had an opinion about it,

00;14;10;12 - 00;14;13;22 | Lesley
my thought is literally, they just don't understand. Which is fine,

00;14;13;23 - 00;14;16;25 | Debbie
- They don't have to understand. - Yeah, oh my gosh, that's awesome, you guys.

00;14;16;25 - 00;14;19;06 | Debbie
That is the belief that changes;

00;14;19;06 - 00;14;22;13 | Debbie
And I'll just tell you, just even in the last year, I've known Lesley,

00;14;22;21 - 00;14;25;15 | Debbie
talk about deepening your belief in your ability

00;14;25;27 - 00;14;28;28 | Debbie
to be a really great coach because she already was a great coach.

00;14;28;28 - 00;14;32;21 | Debbie
But now, for sure, she believes it, and it really shows up in just in

00;14;32;22 - 00;14;33;28 | Debbie
your general energy and

00;14;33;28 - 00;14;37;06 | Debbie
and the way that you're showing up on social media and all of those places.

00;14;37;06 - 00;14;43;22 | Debbie
So if you are a coach out there right now and you are taking way too long

00;14;43;22 - 00;14;47;27 | Debbie
to get your business built, if you have been certified and you are still doing

00;14;47;28 - 00;14;52;05 | Debbie
all kinds of peer coaching, if you are looking to take another class,

00;14;52;05 - 00;14;55;27 | Debbie
another course, another like, I need to learn one more thing.

00;14;55;28 - 00;14;59;03 | Debbie
If you are spending your time writing

00;14;59;03 - 00;15;02;08 | Debbie
lots of notes all over the place, you've got notebooks

00;15;02;08 - 00;15;06;10 | Debbie
and ideas and ideas and ideas and ideas, but you are not putting them into action.

00;15;06;11 - 00;15;10;04 | Debbie
There's two things that are going on one maybe you're just not sure about

00;15;10;10 - 00;15;12;00 | Debbie
the next step, and you need to get somebody

00;15;12;00 - 00;15;15;01 | Debbie
to clear that up for you, which is a mindset thing, too.

00;15;15;03 - 00;15;18;19 | Debbie
But probably, it's this belief thing. You're just not getting -

00;15;18;19 - 00;15;22;18 | Debbie
You need somebody to really, gosh, I don't know, get in there and dig out

00;15;22;18 - 00;15;25;14 | Debbie
what the truth is. Underneath all of this, I need to learn

00;15;25;14 - 00;15;28;07 | Debbie
one more thing, because that's really what it is, right, it's belief.

00;15;28;08 - 00;15;30;17 | Lesley
Absolutely. Yeah, no doubt.

00;15;30;27 - 00;15;34;19 | Debbie
- Belief is the answer to all of those. - You guys,

00;15;34;19 - 00;15;36;23 | Debbie
you have so much to offer.

00;15;36;23 - 00;15;41;19 | Debbie
So many people, I really believe, need the coaching exactly that you have.

00;15;41;20 - 00;15;44;23 | Debbie
You know, if you've had a transformation and you know that life

00;15;44;23 - 00;15;47;16 | Debbie
coaching helped you, I know that you can help somebody else.

00;15;47;16 - 00;15;51;09 | Debbie
So all this waiting on the sidelines, all this waiting to get it perfect,

00;15;51;09 - 00;15;54;12 | Debbie
all this waiting to look good, to sound good, to get it

00;15;54;12 - 00;15;57;29 | Debbie
all right, really get your belief fixed about this

00;15;57;29 - 00;16;01;20 | Debbie
so that you can go out and make a difference to people.

00;16;01;20 - 00;16;04;11 | Debbie
The ripple effect of what you can do in your business,

00;16;04;11 - 00;16;06;16 | Debbie
what Lesley can do in her business with all the coaches

00;16;06;16 - 00;16;09;24 | Debbie
listening can do in their business once they've put themselves out there.

00;16;09;25 - 00;16;12;26 | Debbie
- This is how the world gets changed - Yes! Yes.

00;16;13;05 - 00;16;15;22 | Debbie
Oh my god, I got chills.

00;16;15;22 - 00;16;17;23 | Debbie
It's so exciting to think about the impact

00;16;17;23 - 00;16;22;23 | Debbie
that we all can have just on generations, just like the change that you have

00;16;22;29 - 00;16;26;11 | Debbie
with your kids who will eventually change, you know,

00;16;26;11 - 00;16;31;00 | Debbie
if they have children just changing, changing generations of people.

00;16;31;00 - 00;16;32;04 | Debbie
And you know,

00;16;32;04 - 00;16;35;08 | Debbie
that's really ultimately what we all want is the world to be a better place.

00;16;35;08 - 00;16;37;05 | Debbie
So anyway. Well, all right, Lesley.

00;16;37;05 - 00;16;41;00 | Debbie
So I will link in the show, notes Lesley's website.

00;16;41;01 - 00;16;44;28 | Debbie
Also, I know that she has got a really great deal on her

00;16;44;28 - 00;16;46;26 | Debbie
coaching package right now.

00;16;46;26 - 00;16;50;04 | Debbie
If you need to change your business beliefs, you need to talk to Lesley.

00;16;50;04 - 00;16;53;04 | Debbie
And of course, she's got some great freebies and also you guys

00;16;53;04 - 00;16;56;13 | Debbie
on Facebook on her business page each Friday,

00;16;56;14 - 00;17;01;05 | Debbie
she does Facebook Live, where she does some teaching and really helping

00;17;01;05 - 00;17;04;08 | Debbie
you understand maybe kind of where the gap is in your mindset.

00;17;04;09 - 00;17;06;05 | Debbie
Is that right? Lesley?

00;17;06;05 - 00;17;08;09 | Lesley
Yep, yep - And I offer a free coaching on those lives as well.

00;17;08;10 - 00;17;10;19 | Lesley
Oh, free coaching. All right. There you go, you guys.

00;17;10;20 - 00;17;13;09 | Debbie
Well, OK, I will see you when I see - you guys,

00;17;13;09 - 00;17;14;06 | Debbie
thanks so much.

00;17;14;06 - 00;17;16;21 | Debbie
I want to ask one more favor if you're listening.

00;17;16;21 - 00;17;20;23 | Debbie
And that is that if you would stop and go to iTunes

00;17;20;23 - 00;17;23;26 | Debbie
and leave a review for this podcast, it would mean so much to me.

00;17;23;26 - 00;17;26;27 | Debbie
You guys have heard it before, but when you leave your reviews on podcasts,

00;17;26;27 - 00;17;30;14 | Debbie
it helps those reviews be found by other people.

00;17;31;02 - 00;17;32;25 | Debbie
So thanks for doing that in advance.

00;17;32;25 - 00;17;33;27 | Debbie
You guys have an amazing day.

00;17;33;27 - 00;17;35;27 | Debbie
And Lesley, I will see you very soon.

00;17;35;27 - 00;17;37;27 | Lesley
Thank you. Bye bye.

00;17;37;27 - 00;17;40;18 | Debbie
All right, my friends, are you ready to get more clients?

00;17;40;19 - 00;17;42;02 | Debbie
Let's go do it.

00;17;42;02 - 00;17;45;23 | Debbie
Have an amazing week and, if you guys want that business assessment,

00;17;46;09 - 00;17;48;22 | Debbie
I want to help you with your business.

00;17;48;22 - 00;17;55;13 | Debbie

00;17;55;13 - 00;17;57;05 | Debbie
for a free business assessment.

00;17;57;05 - 00;17;58;15 | Debbie
Until next time, bye bye.