Ep 212 - The 4 Phases of Building and Growing Your Coaching Business
Episode 212 of the Life Coach Business Building Podcast
In this episode, I’m giving you a quick overview of the four crucial phases of building and growing a successful coaching business.
I’m giving you a sneak peek of what we do inside the Business Building Boutique to become unforgettable, build your reputation, create repeatable and effective marketing strategies, and fully embrace your role as the CEO of your coaching business!
So if you’re struggling to stand out or not getting enough clients, make sure to listen in and subscribe.
Over the next four weeks, I’m going to take you on a deep dive into each one of the four phases where I will explain what you need to do to build and grow a successful coaching business. Let’s dive in!
👉 Check out my new and improved FREE Canva Workshop and learn how to create stunning graphics for your coaching business!
👉 Create a profitable business that looks good and sets you up to be respected through the Fast Track Business Building Boutique Program
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Preview: We want to master your authentic selling method where you have comfortable conversations with people about your coaching so you do not feel like you're twisting people's arms. Then we make a plan for profit. I mean, how amazing does that sound? I know you guys think profit is I'm just going to sell this many people coaching at this much money, but that's not it. We want to plan again, a repeatable marketing system where we repurpose your content, where we create your ideal lifestyle-based schedule, because remember you work for yourself because you want to do what it is you want to do.
Intro: Hello, I'm Debbie Shadid, the host of the Life Coach Business Building podcast. If you are ready to have more clients in your life coach business, then you're in the right spot. Each week I'm gonna teach you super simple strategies to grow your business without feeling overwhelmed and without spending money on paid ads. If that sounds interesting. Stick around and let's get started.
Welcome to today's podcast. It's going to be a quick one because today is our intensive mastermind day. I am getting ready to meet our clients to help them write their core marketing message. The key marketing message that they will use for everything. Now, I'm going to talk to you about the four phases and phase one is about becoming unforgettable.
And let me just tell you that this marketing message is part of what makes you unforgettable. It is. You think it's your logo and it's not. I want to tell you that your brand image where we separate you from the competition is a piece of that. Your marketing message, your offer, your pricing, all of those and your website, you guys, we actually show you what your coaching website should have on it. To be part of that unforgettable image, your photos. We talk about how to edit your photos so that they all look the same. If you are not following me on Instagram, I just want to tell you, I've been over there doing more candid things. And an example of keeping that on brand is that we use a filter not to change the way I look, but to change the lighting in the photo.
If y'all are watching me on YouTube right now, you will see that my office is very bright. So anything we do outside, or any candid photos that I take, I want to make sure that they have the same brilliance that my in office photos have. That is one way that you create an unforgettable brand image. This is one way that people say, wow, you are such a professional. And it's all just small things that we teach you. So that's phase one about becoming unforgettable. I will tell you I'm going to do some future podcasts that dive into each phase. So if you're not following the podcast, and if you have not subscribed to YouTube, please do, because I'll take a deep dive into each one of these four phases. All right.
Phase two is about building your reputation. When we talk about building your reputation, one of the things that we do in business building boutique is we build your reputation from your future successful self. Yeah. We go there to the future. We say, who is Debbie at her very best, at her prime, at her peak in her business, who is she? And we build your reputation. You know, wherever you are, we built your reputation from that point, that successful point. So that's about growing your email list, setting up your opt ins, introducing yourself via email, getting your social media set up, figuring out how to stay consistent on social media.
We teach you a three-step formula for writing all of your social media posts. We help you learn how to regularly communicate with your clients. All of that, including designing your signature offer, including pricing for profit, That is all part of building your reputation. What are you going to be known for?
Again, make sure you come back follow the podcast for a deep dive into phase two. So phase one, becoming unforgettable phase two, building your reputation. Those are the two foundational stages of getting your coaching business Once you have that foundation set, then you will move on and we will move into phase three and phase four.
Phase three is about mastering your marketing. So how do you market your coaching business? Do you have a marketing plan? Do you know how to create ongoing repeatable content for your social media? For your email marketing. Do you have any clue how to do that? Because remember marketing is the ATM to your business.
It is literally the only path to clients. If you don't have clients, you only have one problem in your business and it's that you're not marketing enough. You are not talking to enough people. So phase three is all about learning how to master marketing, getting comfortable with it, understanding your message, the tech, the how-to, creating a formula for doing it, and building your confidence when it comes to marketing.
We also teach you about networking and about how to host workshops, how to launch your offer. Yeah, the offer that we designed in the first two phases of getting your business foundation set up, how do you launch it? And then how do you craft a signature speech? A lot of you want to be speakers. And this is all part of what we help you do when you master your marketing. So I don't know, do you see where you're at? And maybe one of the phases of business building, and maybe you didn't even know yet that there were phases.
In phase four, now we've got, you know, an unforgettable brand. We've established your reputation. We know what your offer is. We know your pricing. We've got you set up on the social media sites. We're doing regular marketing. We're growing your email list. Maybe you're hosting workshops. You're comfortably networking and talking about your coaching. Now, phase four is about planning that boutique style business and lifestyle. It's about planning for success. So we want to master your authentic selling method where you have comfortable conversations with people about your coaching so you do not feel like you're twisting people's arms. Then we make a plan for profit. I mean, how amazing does that sound? I know you guys think profit is I'm just going to sell this many people coaching at this much money, but that's not it. We want to plan again, a repeatable marketing system where we repurpose your content, where we create your ideal lifestyle-based schedule, because remember you work for yourself because you want to do what it is you want to do.
I want to be with my grandbabies. I want to work out. I want to work and love my career. And love helping you guys, but I also want to equally do those things. So you build a lifestyle around that, and then you have to create a plan for consistent cash flow. Yeah, consistent cash flow, especially if you have the launch model that you're using where you're launching group coaching, or maybe your business has seasons to it.
So we want to figure out a way to have your cash flow be consistent and then just about becoming the CEO of your business. Can you imagine that you really have a coaching company, that you have to wear the CEO hat? What we should be thinking about is that you get to wear the CEO hat. How amazing is that thought? I want to get you to a place in your business where you're able to do that.
So again, very quickly, I've run over the four phases of building your professional coaching business and then growing it to become a profitable business. All right, phase one is unforgettable. You become unforgettable. People always say to me, you look like your brand. I'm like, yep, that's what we do in phase one. We become unforgettable, authentically you at your very best. Then we make sure that the marketing message is nailed. All right. So you know how to talk about your business. We make sure that everywhere people find you, it is beautiful and cohesive. Then in phase two. Remember it's that building your reputation, your successful self-reputation. How do you want to be seen? Phase three is all the marketing, you know, you guys got to do the marketing and then phase four again is just planning for success. So make sure that you subscribe to me, follow me on YouTube, follow me on Apple, wherever you listen, because I'm going to take a deep dive, a four-week deep dive into each one of those phases where I will explain to you further what it is you need to do to build and then grow a successful coaching business.
All right, you guys, I got to run and get to my intensive mastermind day. I’m so excited to help my clients today. We are going to work on phase one and phase two, where we flush out their unforgettable brand and craft their incredibly memorable money-making marketing message. Okay. I'll see y'all very soon. Have an amazing week. Bye bye.
Outro: Okay, ladies, that is it for today. Before we go, I want to invite you to head over to debbieshadid.com. I have this incredible Canva training, specifically designed for life coaches where I'm gonna teach you how to use Canva to create beautiful graphics to market your life coaching. All right. Have an amazing week. I'll talk to you very soon. Bye bye.