Ep 223 - Introducing the Life Coach Business Building School


Here's the thing: I'm not a big fan of courses. So why am I launching this School? 

If you've been following me for a while, you probably know that I’ve always been hesitant about creating courses. My concern has always been that you might buy one and not take any action. As an Action Coach, I want to be there to answer your questions and guide you as you put things into practice in your business. But over time, I realized that a course could actually be the perfect solution for those of you who are juggling full-time work, caring for parents and kids, and still want to grow your business.

So, I took the plunge, closed down the Fast Track Program, and decided to launch the Life Coach Business Building School. This program features the same framework that our VIP clients love, but at a fraction of the price. Tune in to this week’s episode to learn more about the program and why it might just be the best way to work with us.

👉 Be a Founding Member of the Life Coach Business Building School TODAY lifecoachbusinessbuildingschool.com/

👉 Join our LIVE FREE Open Coaching session every Monday at 2 pm Central Time, where we will answer any questions you may have in any areas of your business that are keeping you stuck. Save your seat at debbieshadid.com/opencoaching.

👉 Check out my FREE Canva Workshop and learn how to create stunning graphics for your coaching business!  


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[00:00:00] Hello, hello. I'm so glad you're here. Gosh, we have been up to so many exciting things today. I want to talk to you about the life coach business building school. I know I mentioned that several weeks ago and I am ready to share all the details. Plus over the next few weeks, I'm going to be introducing you to each of the key Really essential components to going from being just a coach to a profitable entrepreneur So I'm going to share the evolution of the school I'm going to give you lots of details about the school, but really give you an inside look at How kind of business evolves?

[00:00:44] I think that you will find this useful

[00:00:46] I know I would have really liked to have heard more about the journey from private coaching to group coaching And to the level now where we are introducing the school. So, I'm going to give you an insider's look.

[00:00:56] Well, let me tell you first of all what the goal of the Life Coach [00:01:00] Business Building School is. It is to really help our clients learn how to attract clients into their coaching business in less than four weeks. Everybody wants clients. Ultimately, that's the goal. And when we talk to people about their coaching business and we say, Hey, what's going on?

[00:01:15] They're just like, Hey, I'm a great coach. I just need to get clients. And You know, I know that there's much more to it than just getting clients, and really you do too, but you You don't really know what you need to do. So we teach you in our process how to attract clients into your coaching business in less than four weeks so that you can get quick wins.

[00:01:36] We literally give you our framework for doing that, and our framework is called The Coach to Profitable Entrepreneur. So let me tell you right now, before I go into all the details about the evolution of this program, I want to tell you that if you are at all interested in working with us, you can join the Life Coach Business Building School this month in the month of August [00:02:00] 2024 at Founder Pricing.

[00:02:02] So you're going to save a bunch of money. So I would go over to our Instagram page and connect with us there. @ DebbieShadid or follow us anywhere you can because we'll share the details, including the show notes right here of how you can join us this month only at Founder Pricing. Let Me give you the back story of how the school was born and the evolution of where we started with the business building boutique in June of 2021. So that is our VIP coaching experience, which still exists and will continue to exist. We actually launched that program for life coaches and weight loss coaches and health coaches and career coaches in 2021.

[00:02:43] That has been our, Our highest end program, one that people love. It is our handholding experience. It's our high touch program and really the foundation of our business. And that program is staying just the way it is. In fact, we'll probably [00:03:00] add Even more to what we already offer our clients.

[00:03:04] But I will tell you, we launched that in June and based on the demand for that program and feedback from people who could not afford to join that program, they kept saying, look, we want your process. We love the fact that you are the only coach that we know who really teaches us everything to do. You tell us, you show us, we provide lots of shortcuts so you can copy our emails.

[00:03:27] You can use our graphics. We teach everything. If you are interested in learning how to get coaching clients, if you're interested in learning how to sell, how to do all the marketing, how to do Canva, we teach all of that. And so we had lots of people saying, look, we can't afford your VIP program. It's too much.

[00:03:45] And also it's too much time. We actually, in our hand holding process, we're meeting with clients. three or four hours a week, literally helping them through every step of the process, including business [00:04:00] mindset coaching. We also provide tech support. So we've got it all covered. You have actually access to our entire team who helps with every aspect of getting your business set up, launched, growing, all the marketing.

[00:04:15] All the way up to launching, working with clients and beyond. So that's our VIP coaching experience. But people were like, we don't have that much time. Maybe they work full time, you know, whatever it is. And I also don't have that much money, but we want to work with you. So after a couple of years with just the VIP coaching experience, I decided to launch the fast track.

[00:04:36] We actually had more clients enroll in that program than we have in our VIP program.

[00:04:41] Now that program was born because it was something that was half the price of our VIP coaching experience. And it was only one hour of coaching a week. So that answered both of the needs and requests of people who said, number one, I don't have enough money to join the VIP [00:05:00] and also I don't have enough time.

[00:05:01] We really have had great success with that program. And again, like I said, we probably have had more people enroll in that than we did in our VIP coaching experience. And I can just tell you the women who've been part of the fast track, They are go getters. They're action takers.

[00:05:16] They are ready to get their business built and they go do it. They're ready to have more clients. It's been super fun, but we still had requests. For how can we work with you even in a more affordable way and even in a way that requires less time because we still run into people who work full time. They just can't come to any coaching calls.

[00:05:37] So we did some research at the first of this year to really look and see do we have a program, all of our steps, all of the shortcuts, the cheat sheets, all of our guides, the things that you copy of ours. Can that be something that people can do completely on their own? And when we started looking, in fact, we already had clients that were doing it on their own.

[00:05:58] They were signing up [00:06:00] even for our VIP program and not coming to any coaching because they had other things on their plate. They were taking care of parents and kids and they were working full time and they were building their business completely on their own without coming to coaching. So we knew our process.

[00:06:17] Just the way it was without coaching worked. So I thought, you know, we can launch this as a course, but here's the deal, you guys, I'm not a fan of courses because I still really want to make sure that clients get answers to their questions. So I decided to go back through our program. And I decided to close the fast track to keep our highest level program, our VIP coaching experience, and then launch the Life Coach Business Building School, which would be accessible to more people.

[00:06:51] In fact, it is 80 or 90 percent less than our VIP coaching experience. Yes, you heard me right. In [00:07:00] fact, this month as a founding member, it's 90 percent less. than our VIP coaching experience. Once we get going, it'll be about 80 percent less. But if you have an interest in having a program, really that's a DIY program.

[00:07:14] In fact, we updated everything in it. So it's 100 percent brand new. We have simplified the processes. I have added things where I knew I could help even more. And We're going to provide a monthly Q& A session where you can do a deep dive and get all of your questions answered every single solitary month.

[00:07:35] So that feels an integrity with me. We're able to provide the process that even our VIP clients were able to do a hundred percent on their own. We have up leveled it even to where it was and To where we've added more benefit to it so we know it's proven. We know it works. We're giving you the emails to copy the templates to copy.

[00:07:56] We've even added all kinds of [00:08:00] AI processes. We've done tons of stuff for social media support. We've added more tech trainings. You literally do not need to go and learn any other technology because we have all the trainings for the technology. We provide you with the resource list of what it is you need to, use to grow your coaching business, which y'all have heard that podcast.

[00:08:21] It is less than 100 worth of software that you need to have a coaching business really that can be a 100, 000 coaching business a year. So we've covered every detail. If you are at the early stages of your coaching business and you are saying like, look, I don't have a lot of money or time to invest, I can tell you the Life Coach Business Building School is exactly what you need because you learn how to attract clients in the first four weeks.

[00:08:47] Now, how do we do that? So, Transcribed The key thing to attracting clients is learning how to talk about your coaching, right? Instead of Spending 10 minutes trying to explain what you do to somebody. We're going to help you learn how to [00:09:00] master your message in literally the first four weeks.

[00:09:03] Plus we're going to help you create a professional brand image, detailed, detailed way of doing that. We're going to teach you how to do it in Canva. We're going to explain how you become the personal brand of your business, how you create a brand that looks professional, that looks like you've been in business We call that our Be Seen As Successful Coach component.

[00:09:26] Alright, we're going to teach you all of that in the first four weeks. You'll also learn exactly what a professional coach's website needs on it. Okay,I'm going to go into all those details in our Be Seen Component in next week's podcast. And then I will cover the other three components in the following week. So, every detail of what we have to offer you, whether you are just getting started, all the way to becoming the CEO, And really living out not only your boutique style coaching business, but also that boutique life that you're looking to build because you [00:10:00] decided to work for yourself, right?

[00:10:01] You want freedom in your schedule. You want freedom with your finances. So, you guys, this is a proven process that works. We've literally had hundreds of clients . We have had hundreds of clients go through this. So totally updated. And as I mentioned, you'll get to have answers to your questions.

[00:10:20] I feel so good about that. So it's super affordable. We're offering payments. You guys get to find out how to attract clients in just four weeks. And then we offer you another five months of support. So you're with us a total of six months. That is enough time to not only get your business built, it's time to get it booked.

[00:10:40] And beyond that, you guys, you can stay with us month after month if you want ongoing support from us. So. If you have interest in joining us in the Live Coach Business Building School, now you know the back story. This is our VIP coaching experience. It is what all of our Fast Track clients had access to.

[00:10:59] [00:11:00] So it's all available to all of our clients. I want you to join us in the Life Coach Business Building School. The link will be in the show notes. Otherwise, head over to Instagram, click on the link in the bio, you will find all the details about the school.

[00:11:13] Make sure that you join this month. Like I said, it's like 90% Savings from our VIP coaching experience. I cannot wait to work with you to help you grow the business that you have been trying to grow. Let me finish today's podcast by telling you one thing that somebody just told me this week. A coach of mine said, you know, I get Kind of frustrated with people who have spent a lot of time trying to build their business and she said I try to explain to Him you will never get back the time that you have used trying to get your business built But what you can get back is the money that you invest No matter what you invest in your coaching and getting the help that you need. You can multiply your investment in return by selling coaching. [00:12:00] You'll never get the time back that you can continue trying to figure it out. You can hire us, join the school, be part of our VIP coaching experience and multiply your investment because you know now how to get clients for your coaching business.

[00:12:15] All right you guys have an amazing week. I cannot wait. To meet you in the life coach business building school and over the next four weeks I'm going to tell you about each one of the components that are essential to you If you are ready to go from just being a life coach to being a coach. It was also a Profitable entrepreneur how amazing does that sound?

[00:12:36] I'll see you guys inside of the life coach business building school until next week. Have an amazing week. Bye. Bye