Ep 250 - Self-Coaching for Life Coaches Using the SHIFT Method


The number one key rule to being a successful coach is: winners don’t quit. But how do you continue to show up during the times that you’re not motivated or you’re feeling some self doubt?

In this episode, I take you inside my own self-coaching session, where I uncovered a sneaky mindset block that was holding me back from fully showing up in my business. After spending nearly a year restructuring my business, I found myself hesitating to sell again, not because I didn’t know how, but because unintentional thoughts were creating self-doubt. Realizing this, I created the SHIFT Method, a simple framework designed to help you overcome fear, take consistent action, and build the habits that lead to long-term success.

Self-doubt is something we all experience as coaches, especially when we step into new territory. So if you ever find yourself feeling that antsy uncertainty again, the SHIFT Method can help you move through it. Tune in to episode 250 to learn more!

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Ep 250 Audio

Speaker: [00:00:00] I

Speaker 2: If you want to be successful, this is key. I always win because I don't quit. You guys have heard me say that. Who wins in this game of building a coaching business? The people who don't quit and I don't quit, right? Who wins in this game is the people who take action no matter how they feel.

Are you doing that?

Speaker 3: Welcome to the Life Coach Business Building School. I'm your host, Debbie Shadid, your business coach. Every week I'll teach you how to attract clients and grow your coaching business without paid ads. If you're ready to get clients and grow with confidence, let's dive in.

Speaker 4: Welcome to today's podcast. This podcast is going to be slightly different because I want to take you inside of my self coaching that I did just this morning, just within the last hour. This is something that I want to share that is happening again, real time. It's unfolding right now as I speak to you [00:01:00] guys.

So I wanted to document it. I took some time as soon as I had some awareness and I'm going to share with you. I stopped and I started documenting all of what was happening. And I thought, wow, I got to share this with you guys because I think that what I'm experiencing right now will be very helpful to you.

So this is all about what happens when you don't stay consistent when you're not talking to people and when you're not making offers consistently. Okay. This is to encourage you to stay consistent with that and to stay balanced between the activity of building your business and also selling. As you guys know, I've been restructuring my business.

For nearly a year over this time, I took my foot off the gas of sales, which by the way, is the favorite thing that I do. I love to connect with women. I love to talk about your coaching business. I'd love to find out what your goals are, offer solutions. It is my favorite thing. I love to sell because ultimately I love to help women.

So catching myself. On this [00:02:00] little sneaky thing that happened this morning was really important, and this is why I want to share it with you. So, in the last week, as I was working on wrapping up most of the projects that I've worked on for almost a year, by the way, I'll be unveiling a lot of new things.

I've created some new microcourses. We have a new coaching offer. We have a brand new quiz. You should go check it out. Debbieshadid.com/quiz, where you can find out what your problem is in your coaching business, what's holding you back from having success. All of these things are getting ready to unveil.

As I did that, I took my foot off the gas of building my business, okay? That was intentional. Because I was working on getting these other things done, but as I did that and I looked at my calendar for this week, which now has some free time on it, and by the way, one of my goals was to have more freedom in my schedule.

Isn't that what we all want? So I looked at my calendar this week. This morning, just in the last hour, and I was like, wow, like my calendar's pretty blank. [00:03:00] Again, this is what I wanted and I got kind of nervous. I thought, Oh gosh, what do I need to do? Like I need to do something. It was almost like a panicked feeling.

Like what's the next job that I need to do, task I need to do, which incidentally is not what I want to do. What I had already decided to do is follow back up with people that I've had conversations with or that have attended our workshops or those kind of things to basically dive back into connecting with people.

Instead, what I noticed was that the space that I had on my calendar for for that intentional shift back into connecting and selling and having conversations, more of them, because all along, I still, by the way, I've had consultation calls, we've been signing clients, you know, we've opened the school, there's been a lot going on, but just not the actual intensity as I had had for a long time, you know, prior to changing and building this new business structure.

So, what I noticed was. I was going to come up with a project instead of doing what it was I wanted to [00:04:00] do, which was get back into the game of selling. So as soon as I noticed it, I stopped. I journaled about it. I was like, okay, I don't want to be thinking this. Why am I feeling nervous about selling anything?

Why am I feeling nervous about connecting? Why am I having sneaky thoughts of like, You know, you don't want to be pushy, like this is not me at all. And I'm saying this all to you guys because I think you would relate to what I'm saying. I'm going to guess that you probably feel this way at some point or another.

So again, I journaled about it and I came to a conclusion immediately. Like, okay, awareness. I've got it. All I did was have some kind of primitive, unintentional thoughts about the space that was on my calendar and it created some anxiety in me. That's all it is. And then I know I'm going to talk with Christine, my life coach tomorrow, so I'm going to work through that.

As I went back to thinking, what do I want to do first with no urgent deadlines, because everything is working and because it's all positive. What do I want to do instead? So I called [00:05:00] myself out on it. I was like, okay, what I want to do is get back in the game. I want to have more connections and more conversations because that's actually what I love.

One of the things that I do is I go and I visit what I call my evidence bank. And you guys have probably heard me talk about this before. The evidence bank is where you document what has happened in your business. That's positive. Now, in the beginning of my business, I did this a lot. Like if somebody commented on a post, I documented that, right?

Cause that's evidence that your social media works. If somebody wanted to have a conversation with me about, you know, working with me, I documented that. Okay. Because again, those are the things that you need to prove to yourself that it's all working. is really coming into your business. So, you know, I quickly thought, okay, why am I feeling this way?

Okay. I close like 80, 90 percent of the people that I talk to. Why am I concerned about that? You know, we've brought on like 32 new people into the life coach business building school, our newest program. Why am I feeling this way? Isn't it [00:06:00] interesting? Again, I'm sharing all of this really openly with you.

So you can see, it doesn't matter how much. Success that you have, you still have times when things in your mind go haywire. So that's why you have to learn how to notice the thoughts and get control of them. So connecting and selling is the fuel to my business and it's the fuel to your business. So how do I want to think about that?

Again, I looked at my evidence bank. What do I do that works? Number one. I take action no matter what. So even though I was feeling this way and, you know, I had stopped to try to identify why was I feeling this way, which luckily I did identify that I'm good at self coaching, but I thought, okay, I would be taking action anyway.

One of the skills that I have developed over the time that I have been a life coach since 2021 is self coaching. So I look at what I'm doing all day long and I will tell you, Literally in midstream during a conversation with somebody, I'll notice I have some thought about [00:07:00] something that's going to take me somewhere else.

And I self coach myself and get myself right back. It's just, you guys, we all do that, right? We correct. It's like course correction of your thinking. I do that all day long. Rejection was really the feeling that I was trying to avoid, which is again, interesting that I'm even saying that to you guys, because I've never thought ever that I was worried about rejection, but I can see honestly, compassionately, I can say, okay, I understand why I feel that way because I've spent nearly a year focused on something else.

It's focused on getting all of these other things done. So with compassion, I approach myself and I say, interesting, you're worried about rejection, which actually isn't a reality for you. What is rejection? It would be somebody saying no, and I never have a problem with anyone that I've ever talked to. So again, I'm human.

You might be shocked by me worrying about rejection. I'm not shocked by that, but it was interesting. Because it's not a feeling that I had ever identified feeling before. What do you need to do? [00:08:00] How do you turn your own doubt around when it comes to something like that, when fear comes up, when you don't know what to do?

I just want to say, that is a wake up call. When you're feeling this antsiness or uncertainty, this is a wake up call for you to sit down and say, wait, why do I feel this way? What is the problem? Why am I thinking, whatever I'm thinking that caused me to feel this way? Because again, as coaches, we know whatever you think, is how you feel.

So what you think about you bring about. Notice that. See how a feeling shows up for you and then go backwards and figure out what am I thinking or what's happening that's causing me to feel this way and how is it derailing my business. And again, I'm gonna bet for most of you guys the way that this shows up is it keeps you from having conversations with people.

It keeps you from telling people that you're a coach. Many, many, many of the coaches that I talk to. Say that they've been working on their business, so you are not alone, my friend. People will tell me I've been working on my [00:09:00] business, or even my niche, for two years. Somebody told me that the other day.

I've been working on my niche for almost two years. It's like, oh my goodness, we could decide your niche in less than an hour. But again, Without knowing about self coaching, the deeper question would be, what is keeping you from deciding on a niche? So for you, today, after you get done with this podcast, what do you need to do to get to the bottom of why you're not taking the action that you need to?

If you want to be successful, this is key. I always win because I don't quit. You guys have heard me say that. Who wins in this game of building a coaching business? The people who don't quit. And I don't quit, right? Who wins in this game is the people who take action, no matter how they feel. Are you doing that?

So I'm not quitting, right? All I decided was, Hmm, I'm going to restart what I'm thinking today. And I thought about how I got to the point today. And I'm super excited to go back and sell now. And it was twofold. Instead of me [00:10:00] saying all the time now, look, you win because you take action. I was like, wait, no, I won today because I do take action.

But I also looked at what I was thinking. So I'm going to introduce you to what I just created. I'm going to call it the shift method, where we talk about transformation and growth in your coaching business. This is about taking strategic actions. This is very important. I always say that taking action goes above mindset.

No matter what. I was going to take action today because it was on my schedule. So, strategic action. The second part of this is habitual consistency. Do you have the habit of being consistent? This would go with your exercising, with the way you take care of your nutrition, but also your business.

Strategic actions that are consistent. Okay, you got to have the habit of consistency. Then the third part is insightful observation, right? I noticed, huh, I have this nervous feeling. What is this all about? Okay? And I didn't just accept just nervous or [00:11:00] fear. I went deeper than that to discover it was actually a feeling of rejection, which is actually different than just run of the mill fear.

That's like, ugh. So, insightful observation. The next piece is that I focused on mindset shifts. So I thought, okay, what do I want to intentionally think instead, and by the way, what could I believe that I want to think instead? So I'm not asking you to take a thought that you don't believe and try to, you know, put it on and wear a thought that you don't like.

You find something that you could believe, and again, I went back to my evidence bank and I was like, wait a minute. I don't have any reason to worry about rejection. I'm really good at selling and I'm not saying that to be conceited with you guys. I'm just trying to share openly and honestly my experience.

So when you do those things what happens is you have transformation and next level success. So I will include this in the show notes. It is the shift method. I'm making this the official transformation and growth method for your coaching business. So again, S [00:12:00] is for strategic action, H habitual consistency, I insightful observation, F focused mindset shifts, T transformation and next level success.

So I want you to claim the shift method for yourself. I always take strategic action because I want to have a consistent flow of clients. You guys hear me? I'm always working on my mindset because I want to have a consistent flow of cash in my business, okay? I watch my thinking all day long. I want you to learn how to do that for yourself.

Find the issue that you're thinking, observe it. And then make a focused mindset shift and then you can continue on the journey of transformation and next level success. Well, I hope that was interesting. You guys diving into my mind and taking a peek at that. And I hope this inspires you to really stop and look at what you're thinking before you take your next step in your business and then do it every day.

Sometimes I have to look at what I'm thinking three times a [00:13:00] day. Sometimes it's three times in an hour and none of that is a problem, right? So our brain has automatic thoughts that we're not even really consciously aware of. So just notice them, take some time to think through it, correct them, and you, my friend, will be on your way to transformation and next level success too.

Alright, that wraps it up. I do want to invite you to go to Debbieshadid.com/quiz and be one of the first coaches to take my brand new quiz where we're going to show you What your main problem is, the big obstacle that is keeping you from growing your business. Super excited to unveil that as one of the many projects I've been working on.

You guys have a beautiful, amazing day. And again, shift your mindset if you want to have transformation and next. Alright, talk to you later. Bye bye. Okay, ladies, that is it for today. Before we go, I want to invite you to head over to [00:14:00] DebbieShadid.com I have this incredible Canva training specifically designed for life coaches where I'm going to teach you how to use Canva to create beautiful graphics to market your life coaching business. Alright, have an amazing week.

I'll talk to you very soon. Bye bye.